He Wouldn’t

I woke up, feeling perhaps a little grogginess than I was expecting to. I had just spent the night as a woman, thanks to the remote that David had bought this week.

We talked about it, and I thought it would be fun to try being a girl for a day. The minimum amount of time I had to be changed was 24 hours, so it meant sleeping as a girl too. David agreed that it would JUST be a body change, no mental changes. I figured it would be too weird.

But, I can’t help but feel a little strange this morning, as I tip-toed out of bed and into the living room. Did I leave the door open last night? I don’t usually sleep with the door open. I wonder if David came in last night to check on me. Nah, he wouldn’t have.

I eyed the remote on the coffee table. Was that where we left it last night? I thought that David had it on the kitchen counter. He wouldn’t have used it again last night, would he? No, David would never do something sinister like that. I trust him too much.

It did get me thinking about David, though. He usually goes out for morning jogs, so he should come back any minute now. I wonder how my hair looks. Would he like me like this? I found myself subconsciously posing on the sofa in anticipation.

The thought keeps nagging at me, though. David wouldn’t make any changes to my mind to suit his purposes, would he? I shook my head. My David would never do such a thing. After all, he loves me too much. When he gets home, I hope he’s a little horny.

Maybe after we have sex I can ask him about it.


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