Tag Archives: Sexy

Inner Peace

Inner peace. I’ve found you. I’m sorry it took so long. I had the wrong form. No man can truly find it. I needed to be pure, I needed to be free, I needed to be feminine, a girl. I’ve never felt so good, I’ve never felt so calm, I’ve never felt so happy. I finally found my inner peace. Nothing I could ever have as a man.

Lab Spill

That’s me. It’s crazy, it’s absurd but that really is me. It’s been two months now but I still can’t believe it. I’m a woman. I have breasts, I have a vagina, I am a fully functional woman. Read more

Whoever I Please

Oh this is the best. Who would have thought she’d be in a bikini when I made the switch? Look at that fabric hugging her flat crotch, my flat crotch. Yep, I’m a girl. How I love being a bodyhopper and getting to be whoever I please.


The prank of all pranks. He has no idea. The more and more he drains the flavour from the lollipop the more and more his masculinity drains. He’s becoming a woman. He won’t know who he is. He’ll just be one perfectly busty cock-sucking absent minded woman. Oh look at him, or should I say her? She’s turning out so well. I almost want to have a lollipop myself.

It Worked

Yes! It worked. Look at me, I’m a girl. Vagina, breasts, soft skin. They were right. This beach does change you it’s magical. I’m a girl. Yes. It worked.

School for Wayward Boys

So, here I am. A girl. I never wanted to attend this wretched educational institution but it was all my own doing, I wouldn’t change. Miss Grenniges School for Wayward Boys is one of a kind. The school takes in boys who are off the rails and make them female. Read more

TG Business

I never really saw myself as an entrepreneur. I just felt I was a budding scientist. My passion was always genetic remodelling. When searching for a cure to combat a vicious disease I found something quite interesting. By accident I had stumbled upon a way to instantly change a person’s gender. I told absolutely no one and for the first time the lure of financial gains tempted me. Read more

Seat Down

I would never learn. I, like many men would never ever put the toilet seat down. It drove my female roommate mad. Technology is a funny thing that is growing rapidly in an exponential fashion. A small device has been designed which could alter reality. My roommate had one. She felt it quite fitting I became a woman for a month so I could finally leave the seat down. Read more

Trying It Out

Believe us. We never thought we’d be here. At no stage did we think it would be like this. We were both just ordinary teenage boys who did ordinary teenage boy things. We were nothing special, just normal boys living normal lives. Read more