Tag Archives: lingerie

Picking Who To Be

It was simple. In front of me is six beautiful women. Six pure females. I need to choose which one I shall become.
There were all kind of variables to consider. It wasn’t all just sexiness. Which body would be the best to have? I didn’t want huge breasts in the way so that ruled the one out on the far right. It was upsetting to let her go because she was all so sexy but it was the right call.
I wasn’t a fan of fair skin, I would of got so much sunburn every summer. That ruled out the second from the right. This also meant that I dropped the third from the right. I wasn’t keen on being a short girl so that got rid of the third from the left.
That left me with two. I was so excited. My palms were sweating profusely. My soon to be gone dick was firmly erect. I pondered and pondered. In the end I settled. I couldn’t go past the one on the far left her face was stunning and she had the nicest ass. I had to have it, I had to be her.
I couldn’t be happier with my choice. I love being a woman and I love being Katie. Read more

The Magic Globe

The Magic Globe gave Tad two globes of his own, and a luscious body curvy body to go along with them. It even dressed him in sexy red lingerie with silky red stockings, and shiny red heels. Tad was pleased with the results, as he used it to change into his desired form. He just didn’t think it would turn out so well. He put the Magic Globe down on the nearby counter, and then turned on some music on the radio. Aptly enough the song, “Lady in Red” came on, and he was jumping up and down like a giddy schoolgirl, thinking what a coincidence that was.

A Winning Bet: Part 3

It’s been six months since Harry and Beth switched bodies on a bet to see which life was easier, and once Beth in Harry’s body decided to take off and leave Harry in Beth’s sexy body, Harry took it pretty hard. He stayed in Beth’s, well, now his apartment for over a week, literally crying his eyes out (thanks to all of the female hormones running through his body). Harry didn’t know what to do with his life. He thought for sure his life was over. Read more

He Wouldn’t

I woke up, feeling perhaps a little grogginess than I was expecting to. I had just spent the night as a woman, thanks to the remote that David had bought this week. Read more

Oh my god Mother: pt 3 The Sleep-Over

“Guess what?” my mother chirped in her much too happy tone of voice.
“What?” I croaked as disagreeably as I could. Sometimes it made me feel better to feel sorry for myself and let the world around me know it. It wasn’t my fault that I had suddenly changed from a boy to a girl. Read more

Schule der Erwachsenen 3

“Niels, mein Gott. Was machst du da?” rief die Mutter von Niels (16).
Auch er war in der Schule, als das Licht das Gebäude traf. Er verwandelte sich in Sina, ein 16 jähriges Mädchen aus einer Parallelklasse, welches er schon immer ganz süß fand. In einer Glascheibe konnte er beobachten wie aus ihm ein blondes Teeniemädchen wurde. Dabei stockte ihm schon der Atem. Doch was dann passierte, war noch schlimmer. Sina`s Spiegelbild begann zu altern. Aber nicht wie bei vielen seiner Mitschüler und 10 bis 20 Jahre. Nein, beim ihm waren es etwa 25 bis 30. So wurde aus dem süßen blonden Teenie Mädchen eine reife Frau etwa Mitte 50. Niels wusste nicht wie ihm geschah. Eine Frau zu sein war schon schwer genug. Doch dann auch noch 25 Jahre seines Lebens zu verlieren? Read more

A Deal

I had two options. Go to prison, or sign up for an “experiment.” Of course I chose option #2 as I wasn’t gonna be in prison for 10 years. I wasn’t told what I’d be doing. All they told me was that I was going to go to sleep for a few weeks and wake up feeling a little different. A little different was quite the understatement. See that girl in the picture? That was me for 1 year. Basically, in order to keep the prisoners calm, I was used as a “toy” for them. I stripped, sucked, and bent over for those prisoners. Sounds bad right? Well not quite. See the body I was given was one of a very slutty girl. The more I look back on it, the more I laugh as to how obsessed I was with sex. My God I couldn’t stop thinking about it. This made my job a lot easier. Ultimately I think I made the right choice. The only downside is that while I am no longer “playful” as you could say, I still am carrying around this body. But in reality, I kinda miss being that way. Heck, I wouldn’t mind going back for 9 more years if they were spent as Daisy instead of Matt.

Still him

“C’mon sweetie, come to bed!” She said invitingly, playing with her brand new blonde hair. Read more