I was at home watching TV, when suddenly my door bell ring. I went to the door and asked “Who’s there?” it was the postman. He brought me a package, I signed for and he left. It was a bit strange, I haven’t ordered anything lately. Anyway I took the package and brought it into the room, opened it and there was huge pink Dildo. It was very strange, who would send me such thing. I looked at it as it hypnotized me. I looked at it and a strange voice sounded in my head “Take me, lick me, suck me,” it was very strange. I closed the box, but the voice in my head kept getting louder “come on slut, take me, suck me, I know you want it.” “What the hell” I thought, and diside to return watching TV, suddenly it start to show as a bigbreasted blonde licked and sucked the same pink Dildo like in my box. I switched the channel but there was the same blonde, again and again blonde sucking Dildo. The voice in my head just shouted “Come on slut suck Dildo” I could no longer resist, I opened the box against my will and took Dildo. I opened my mouth and shoved a huge Dildo inside it and start to lick and suck it. The voice in my head continued to whisper “Good slut, very good suck me” while my lips began to swell turning into a plump cocksucking lips. My hair turning into long blonde hair. I rolled my eyes while sucking Dildo and a voice in my head continue repeating “Yes, Yes, good slut, suck me”, my face became feminine. My whole body began to tingle while the magic spread through it. My frame became smaller. My shoulders narowed while my hips widened and waist became thiner, i get perfect hourglass figure. My chest itches as my nipples start to swell, my areolas expanded, and two huge fatty piece of flesh start to form on my chest. I grow large soft and firm boobs double D size. My ass swollen in a matter of seconds turning into fat jiggling, feminine ass. My penis sucked inside my body forming delicate pussy. I fully became a woman and the voice in my head start to whisper “Come on slut, shove me in your wet pussy” as hypnotized I obeyed and shoved a huge Dildo into my pussy. Then I start to pump the Dildo in and out of my pussy. The feeling was amazing, I quickly brought myself to orgasm and the magic Dildo vaporized all my manhood without a trace. “Yes, good slut, now you Bimbo forever,” the voice in my head start to fade and thoughts about sex as a woman start to fill my mind. Now my name is Alice, and I desire to suck and fuck big meaty cocks.