Tag Archives: @Martha

Magische Kriminalität

“Kann ich meine Hände jetzt wieder runternehmen” sagte Niels in der neuen Mädchenstimme die er seit 20 Minuten hatte. “Wir sind wirklich Männer, die eine aus dieser Mädchengang hat uns verwandelt!”
“Klar Blondie, habt ihr Drogen genommen? Ich kenne das Millieu hier und ihr lasst euch immer neue Ausreden einfallen, um keine Strafe abzubekommen. Jetzt her mit deinem Ausweis!” sagte der genervte Polizist.
“Den hab ich ja eben versucht zu suchen als ihr dachtet ich hol n Messer oder so raus. Ich hab keine Ahnung wo ich hier meinen Ausweis haben könnte.” Nach ein wenig suchen beachtete Niels die Handtasche die zwischen seinen Beinen stand, direkt neben den pinken Converse Schuhen. “Ah hier .. ey, ich hab echt keine Ahnung was hier abgeht. Hier scheint wohl mein Portmonee zu sein, aber nochmal, ich und Dominik hier haben die alte Dame da nicht ausgeraubt. Das war so eine Mädchengang und wir wollten helfen. Plötzlich holt die eine so einen alten Stock aus ihrer Tasche zeigt auf uns … ich wurde von irgendwas getroffen und im nächsten Moment habe ich blonde Haare im Gesicht und pinke Fingernägel.
“Ja ja … ist klar Mädchen. Gut … ja, das ist dein Ausweis: Chantal Barinski, geboren 2001 in Berlin. Was ist mit der Nutte da neben dir, hast du auch deinen Ausweis gefunden mittlerweile oder guckst du da draußen nur Jungs hinterher” sagte der Polizist zu Dominik.
“Was heißt hier Nutte? Das was Niels sagte stimmt, ich stand da plötzlich im Park und hab sofort die Brüste gesehen in diesem mega Ausschnitt den die mir gegeben haben. In meinem Rock hier habe ich keine Taschen mehr” sagte Dominik und tastete nochmal alles hab. “Niels, vielleicht bei dir in der Handtasche?”
Nach kurzer Suche zwischen Taschentüchern, Make-Up, Tampons, Pfefferspray und nem iPhone fand Niels, jetzt Chantal, ein violettes Portmonee. Der Polizist sah sich den Ausweis an.
“Ayla Shaylin Lammers, türkische und deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft, geboren 2000 auch in Berlin. Deutscher Vater und türkische Mutter?”
Dem Polizisten schien es Spaß zu machen und er erlebte das wohl auch mehrmals am Tag. Die Hinweise der beiden zur Verwandlung überhörte er. Da die alte Dame aussagte, dass die beiden das nicht waren und wohl nur zufällig da waren wurden sie gehen lassen.
Die neue Chantal wartete schon draußen als die neue Ayla ausstieg und da wusste Niels auch warum der Bulle sie Nutte genannt hatte. Ayla war kleiner als Chantal, hatte größere Brüste, ein hautenges Oberteil, einen Minirock und braune High heels an. “Scheiße, was haben die mit uns gemacht. Du siehst echt aus wie ne 17 jährige Nutte” sagte Chantal. “Ach ja? Du hast die Kondome in deiner Handtasche wohl umsonst” sagte Ayla genervt. Read more


Carl, the 14 year old son of the wealthy Jefferson family had been kidnapped. Greg, his father, had received a mysterious txt not to call the police and to await further instructions. It was all he could do to keep calm in front of his daughter and wife as they waited to hear from the kidnappers and the ransom they expected for his son. Read more

Urlaub der anderen Art (Request German)

Dominik ging wie ‘normal’ in seinem neuen Körper den Pool entlang. Für Außenstehende war es ein Anblick als würde die junge Frau mit dem ausladenden Hinterteil es nur darauf anlegen gesehen zu werden.
Im Kopf der jungen Frau war Dominik, der eigentlich einen Kurzurlaub mit Freunden in Spanien machen wollte, und konnte nicht anders als lächeln.
“Solltest du auch nur kurz aus der Rolle der ‘geilen Pool-Schlampe’ fallen, dann bist du sie für immer. Und das waren deine Worte” hatte die Hexe zu ihm gesagt als sie ihn verwandelt hatte. “Um deine Freunde kümmere ich mich noch, aber du warst am lautesten mit den ganzen ‘Bitches die hier rumlaufen. Nun bist du eine.”
Seine Aufgabe war einfach, er musste bis zum Abend acht verschiedene Männer aufreißen und er durfte nichts zu denen sagen, sondern durfte nur seinen Körper benutzen.
“Ich wackel mal lieber mit allem was ich habe” sagte die neue Dominique und ging auf Männerjagd.

Vegan – not in every way

“Ok, my ex might be a witch, and she might have changed me into that tiny brunette with big tits for cheating on her. But I don’t believe her dumb talk about how I will adapt to the new body. I want to keep my personality! And she can’t do anything about it.” the former Neil said. Read more

Sentence: DD

“Hello ladies” the big chested woman with the instructions in her hands said. “My name is Tiffany. I think you all know why you are here and why you are women. Therefore I welcome you to our group ‘Sentence DD’. And when I look at your chests, I think you are all right here guys” she added with a chuckle. “Are there any questions?”
The women in blue raised her arm. “What’s with all the other groups of women here in that building?”
“Good question … um, Steven, well Stephanie, right?” The woman nodded. “Well, the witches that transformed you gave you the huge tits for a reason. The witches have this Organization here to punish men in a more 21st century style. That also means indiviual courses for you all depending on what the sentence is. Isn’t that nice of them? The room next to us has the “Sentence: Bimbo except for the mind” group. Usually for men who told women that they’d look like one. And the group down the floor, the little girls, well those used violence against women. But let’s speak of us here. We have got the big tits. Is there another question?”
The women with the red shirt raised her hand. “You speak of the witches as ‘them’ not ‘us’. Have you been punished too?” “I knew someone would ask that, it always happens. Long story short. Yes, I was successfull 35 year old man who had a thing for women with big boobs. I left my wife for a bustier, younger girl. Then sort of forced my next girlfriend to get breast implants, but unfortunately she had a friend that was a witch and a day later I got these tits of my own. After I failed to get back my manhood I decided to stay here and gives these courses. Better then being a stripper or something. Well that’s it … and Michael, or Missy which is your name now, in case you haven’t noticed: Your top says where your eyes are and you got a pair of huge jugs on your own, there’s no need to look at my cleavage.” Missy blushed, but she couldn’t help it. She hated how she was treated after she has been transformed. Read more

Genderwave sucks when you had a big sister

Jeremy was looking at his ID-card when the genderwave was about to hit his town. He, his family, his friends … they all knew what was about to happen when the wave hits. The hours before the wave hit he knew that he would be annoyed the most by one thing. It wasn’t that he would instantly turn into the girl he would have become with two X chromosomes and it wasn’t that he would get a random girl name together with the family name of his mothers side of the family. It also wasn’t that he no longer would be the good looking guy who could get every girl he wanted and his plans for the football scholarship were also over now and he had to pick a completely new way in life. Read more

Paying a debt

Neil had no idea how long he’d be there. But in the body he was in there wasn’t really anywhere else he could go. Read more

Weird family vacations

For almost everyone on earth something changed when the GreatShift hit. People who lived on their own had it sort of easy, they could come to terms with their new bodies alone. For families it was different, since an emergency-law requiered them to stay together, no matter what bodies they got.
When Justin, the 11 year old son of the Greenbank family, came out of the pool during their first vacation after the GS his mom was annoying him again. “Justin, your bikini top! Remember we are not at home and you’ve got a big chest now and you are a 32 year old woman!” The psychologists gave the advice to parents to tell their kids how the real situation is, that way they could learn and accept faster what has changed for them.
“Moreover mom is into hot girls and women now” she added a bit embaressed while trying to hide her errect penis she got from that 22 year old guy whose body she had now. “Sorry mom. There’s always something with these things on my chest, I don’t like them. I don’t even want to wear a bra, I never had to … and I especially don’t like that I got the name of my stupid sister by coincidence” the former Justin, now Kaitlyn, added. “Your sister has it hard enough now! She went from being a 19 year old girl to a balding 43 year old man named Peter. And now put on your top again young lady! I have it hard enough since I’m alone with you two on vacations. Your dad would be here if he could, but the law says he has to perform all events as Katy Perry … so until he .. um she, gets back here you do what I say, you got that Kaitlyn?!” With that Justin pouted and put back his heavy D-cups into the bikini. “I hate the Great Shift … “

Respects for disrespect

The old bitch was finally dead and I’m one of the few people at her funeral. I was hoping before she died she would have turned me back into a young man. I still would have come to her funeral, just not in a dress pretending to be her middle aged spinster daughter. Read more