Tag Archives: magicitem

Magical Necklaces with long names

The Hippy-Dippy Gender Flipping Necklace was quite the magical oddity. It’s true name had been lost long ago with the necklace itself sometime in the Minoan period. It was rediscovered (though not it’s name) in the late 1960’s by a group of hippies. They marveled at it’s powers and fell in love with it. On top of flipping the gender of whoever put it on, it also made their clothes vanish and their skin highly sensitive, forcing them to become nudists. The hippies who found it formed a commune in Florida where they could all live (and fuck, mostly fuck) together in naked bliss. Read more

Magic panties

Tom had found the supposed “magical panties” at the weirdest yard sale he’d ever been to. When he asked the man who was selling them what the deal was with them, he said they’d make whoever wore them into a sex maniac. Thinking it was a joke, Tom asked why the old man was getting rid of them then? The old man just shook his head and said it was more trouble than it was worth. Since they were only $5, and Tom liked the old man’s sense of humor, he decided he’d buy them. Read more

My aunt Melanie (Part 1)

It was almost the end of the summer break. I was spending the last week with my aunt Melanie and my 3 years old cousin Timmy. I liked my aunt but she was living far from my home so i was seeing her only on the summer break. She was really nice and i considered her my best friend. Read more

Wrong package

I was at home watching TV, when suddenly my door bell ring. I went to the door and asked “Who’s there?” it was the postman. He brought me a package, I signed for and he left. It was a bit strange, I haven’t ordered anything lately. Anyway I took the package and brought it into the room, opened it and there was huge pink Dildo. It was very strange, who would send me such thing. I looked at it as it hypnotized me. I looked at it and a strange voice sounded in my head “Take me, lick me, suck me,” it was very strange. I closed the box, but the voice in my head kept getting louder “come on slut, take me, suck me, I know you want it.” “What the hell” I thought, and diside to return watching TV, suddenly it start to show as a bigbreasted blonde licked and sucked the same pink Dildo like in my box. I switched the channel but there was the same blonde, again and again blonde sucking Dildo. The voice in my head just shouted “Come on slut suck Dildo” I could no longer resist, I opened the box against my will and took Dildo. I opened my mouth and shoved a huge Dildo inside it and start to lick and suck it. The voice in my head continued to whisper “Good slut, very good suck me” while my lips began to swell turning into a plump cocksucking lips. My hair turning into long blonde hair. I rolled my eyes while sucking Dildo and a voice in my head continue repeating “Yes, Yes, good slut, suck me”, my face became feminine. My whole body began to tingle while the magic spread through it. My frame became smaller. My shoulders narowed while my hips widened and waist became thiner, i get perfect hourglass figure. My chest itches as my nipples start to swell, my areolas expanded, and two huge fatty piece of flesh start to form on my chest. I grow large soft and firm boobs double D size. My ass swollen in a matter of seconds turning into fat jiggling, feminine ass. My penis sucked inside my body forming delicate pussy. I fully became a woman and the voice in my head start to whisper “Come on slut, shove me in your wet pussy” as hypnotized I obeyed and shoved a huge Dildo into my pussy. Then I start to pump the Dildo in and out of my pussy. The feeling was amazing, I quickly brought myself to orgasm and the magic Dildo vaporized all my manhood without a trace. “Yes, good slut, now you Bimbo forever,” the voice in my head start to fade and thoughts about sex as a woman start to fill my mind. Now my name is Alice, and I desire to suck and fuck big meaty cocks.

Different kind of vacations

When the summer break was almost there Kevin wasn’t too excited. He knew his mom would send him on one of those boring camps, while she will be having fun traveling. Every year Kevin pleaded his mom to take him with her but she always refused. Kevin didn’t blame her for it. A single, 34 years old mother, who got pregnant as a teenager didn’t have much time to have fun, now she was trying to make up for her lost youth. Read more

It’s not fun anymore

“Ha ha, that was a good one honey, you’ve got me. Now turn us back” Carl said to his wife. “But i can’t, no matter how many times i try” Hannah replied. “I know honey you enjoy it, don’t get me wrong i love sex in your body, a woman’s orgasm is incredible but it’s really time to swap back” Carl was getting nervous. “I’m not lying to you” Hannah said in a defensive manner. “Let me take a look” Carl took the body swap scroll from his wife. The scroll was a wedding gift from Hannah’s mother. Her family used it for generations to swap bodies between each other and now was their turn.
Carl looked at the words that earlier were written in shiny gold but now they lost the sparkle and were plain black. Carl looked at his wife with a worried expression on his face. He tried to chant the spell but it didn’t work. “Come on!” Carl was getting desperate, he pleaded and yelled but nothing was working. “Damn it!” Carl sat on the bed and He buried his face in his hands. “I think i know what’s wrong” His wife suddenly said, she looked pale and terrified. “Carl stared at her courious what she just rembered. “I think my mom told me something like we should be very carefull during sex, because if you get pregnant the swap becomes permament” She said and looked at Carl. “No! No! No! That’s impossible. I can’t be pregnant we used protection. It must be something else” Carl shook his head, he did not accept this explanation but sooner or later he will have to. Two weeks later Carl started to feel sick in the morning. He already knew what’s going on and later the doctor confirmed his fears, he was going to be a mom.

Weekend swap

“I must admit, my sister Cheryl is hot, or should i say i’m hot” Jack tought as he took a picture of her naked body, so he could later gave them as a gift to her boyfriend. Read more

Magic bottle game

Mike was on his way to his friend’s house, curious what could be so important. When he got there he found out all of his friends, 16 people wondreing what all the fuss is about. Ryan came up with a bottle in his hand “Ladies and gentelman, let me present you a game” He announced. “You called us all just to play bottle?” Erica was mad. “Not a bottle, a magic bottle it can make us swap bodies” Ryan sounded serious. “Yeah right” Tom was laughing. “Let me show you” All of them sat in a circle, Ryan pointed the bottle at himself and then spun it. The bottle pointed at Stan. “So now wha…” Stan suddenly stopped talking “What the hell” Ryan shouted, or it was rather Stan in Ryan’s body. “See, i told you” Ryan in Stan’s body said satisfied by proving him wrong. “I don’t believe it. It’s some kind of a prank you’re playing on us” Erica was still skeptical. “Well then, why won’t you try it?” Ryan gave her the bottle. Erica turned it around and the bottle pointed at Tom. Suddenly Tom screamed in fear, which sounded very funny considering his bass voice. “It worked! it… Hey stop it!” She yelled at Tom who was fondling her breasts. “This is awsome” Tom exclaimed. “Let me try” “No! My turn” everyone started to shout over. “Patience my friends. Everybody will get their chance” Ryan handed the bottle to Mike. Mike spin the bottle which pointed at Sandra. Mike had second thoughts, Sandra was very pretty but she was six month’s pregnant. Before he could say anything, his perspective shifted and he found himself on the other side of the circle. His mind drifted away for a moment, he was brought back to reality by a hard kick in his abdomen. “That is just crazy” He said putting his hand on the round belly. Read more

Girl Grass

Pot always had goofy names. Purple Kush, Alien Wrench, Blue Goo, the list goes on. Stan’s dealer had had to flee town leaving Stan to find someone new. He followed some leads and found a new dealer. An old lady who dressed like a hippy from the 60’s. She had different strains including one called “Girl Grass”. Stan chuckled and said it was obviously a ladies brand. She didn’t think it was funny and shrugged, It was the best, she said. A life changing experience. The price certainly indicated it. It was easily three times what Stan used to pay. Read more