A Deal

I had two options. Go to prison, or sign up for an “experiment.” Of course I chose option #2 as I wasn’t gonna be in prison for 10 years. I wasn’t told what I’d be doing. All they told me was that I was going to go to sleep for a few weeks and wake up feeling a little different. A little different was quite the understatement. See that girl in the picture? That was me for 1 year. Basically, in order to keep the prisoners calm, I was used as a “toy” for them. I stripped, sucked, and bent over for those prisoners. Sounds bad right? Well not quite. See the body I was given was one of a very slutty girl. The more I look back on it, the more I laugh as to how obsessed I was with sex. My God I couldn’t stop thinking about it. This made my job a lot easier. Ultimately I think I made the right choice. The only downside is that while I am no longer “playful” as you could say, I still am carrying around this body. But in reality, I kinda miss being that way. Heck, I wouldn’t mind going back for 9 more years if they were spent as Daisy instead of Matt.


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