Tag Archives: @Kanske2

That necklace

The visit in the thrift shop went beyond your highest expectations. In a dusty corner you found the Necklace of Saija. Far from well known but one of your old books it was thoroughly well described.
With the proper incantations you can change a person in both body and mind, depending on how you “program” it.
Finally you had found something your wife couldn´t nag on you about how worthless it was and a waste of your money.
Then a plan began to form in your head.
You could use the necklace to improve her, your love life had grown stale anyway.
She liked jewellry, it would be enough to program the necklace and then place it in the open. It wouldn´t take long before she you put it on.
Let´s see now, top priority would be to give her a hot body. Then I should make her adore me above all else, and do everything she can to keep me happy. She need to be comfortable with the changes as well. Oh yes, add a reailty change too so no one freaks out when my wife goes from mousy to busty in just one day. Read more


The book looked insignificant, the bookstore had placed it in the “Uncategorized” section. However, Lenny usually checked that section in the hopes of finding something of value. This time he had hit the jackpot. After have flipping through the pages he recognized it for what it was, a spell book
So he quickly bought it. Read more

I´m gonna break you

Had Gary known that this would have happened he would never have followed that slightly crazy girl back home to her place, but his will had been weak and his cock had been hard. Horny guys will do almost anything if they are promised sex.
He should have had second thoughts when she started to tie him up.
Something was definately wrong when she started to attach various pads with wires connected to them all over his body.
“Kylie, what are you doing?”, Gary asked with a hint of worry in his voice.
She walked up to him in the same alluring way she had encountered him at the bar. “Shush baby. All will be well”, and put a finger to his lips to quiet him. Then she turned around so she could continue work with the device all the wires was connected to. After a couple of minutes she was done tinkering.
She turned around and gave Gary a wink and a sly smile; “Ready? Here it comes!”, she said with glee and pressed down a lever.
Gary´s body began to jerk around when the energies began to dance inside of his body. The restraints made sure that he wouldn´t fall off from the table or hurt himself in any other way. Or escape for that matter.
At times it was the most blissful feeling in the world only to abruptly change to the worst searing pain in his life. How he percieved the sensations changed over time as his body changed.
Gary could in the few lucid moments he had see that his body was transforming into something else, something smaller. The next lucid moment he saw that his view was obscured by a pair of breasts. He blacked out again as a wave of bliss swept over him and took him away. Read more

At the Bodyswap Clinic

Not many people was aware that the Bodyswap Clinic not only swapped people, they also had additional bodies in storage. Don´t ask me how they got them but they have.
It cost extra of course.
The people at the clinic showed me a catalogue to chose from, full with measurements and additional info in addition to the spinning 3D-model.
Already from the beginning I had a clear idea of what I was looking for, and I found a body that matched my expectations well enough for me to get interested.
“That one”, I told one of the employees.
The brought me down to the basement where the pods with the bodies was stored and opened up one of them so I could get a better look.
I felt how my heart skipped a couple of beats and I felt this peculiar knot in my stomach. In person she was even better than I had imagined.
The technician stood by me in silence as I gazed upon the body in front of me. They had instructed me that I wasn´t allowed to get too close because of sanitary reasons, but even from distance I had seen enough.
I gave the technician a nod and told him that this was the one I wanted. Read more

Butt Plug of Change

*Applies more lube*
Almost there.
The widest part of the butt plug was inside and now the rest of it just situated itself in place. Jack´s body quivered from the pleasure of being filled up.
The gem at the end of the butt plug began to shine, now the really good part was about that happen.
The magic crackled and tendrils of energy shot out.
It was always the closest parts of his body to the gem that was changed first.
He savored the feeling when his ass ballooned outwards, together with is now wider hips.
A personal favorite was when his erect penis sank into his body and formed a vagina instead. The orgasm that followed usually made him miss when his legs and stomach was altered as the changes spread upwards and downwards. He would rather have it at the end as the grand finale.
His bust began to grow into the usual big proportions and his shoulders got smaller, his arms daintier.
It tickled in his throat as his voice became higher and softer, his feet shrunk a couple of sizes.
He felt how is face morphed and became more rounded. His eyes looked bigger and his lips was decidedly bigger.
His hair exploded into a full and silky brown mane.
And with that the changes was complete. Read more


The receptionist at the entrance gave me a courteous smile when I entered the foyer. She looked good and I was single. I wasn´t in a rush so I took a moment and chatted with her. Turned out she already was dating someone. Bummer.
She asked me to sit down nearby and when it was time she would call out my name. Read more

Sharing shapeshifter

The boy and a young woman sat in the room of a young teen. On the walls there were posters of various bands, in the corner a tv with a console demanded attention. The bed was unkempt and piles of clothes was dotted across the room. Read more