Tag Archives: Bimbo

Protestor, Part 3 (Final)

Months have passed since Emily’s had a thought of her own. Without their organizer, the protests start. Any independent protestors backed away, fearful of becoming like Emily. She didn’t mind, however, she new hardly anything about the news, or anything really. The mayor brought her home with her that night and transformed her from the brainy activist to a dumb blonde bimbo. She’s his biggest supporter, his lover, and soon to be his wife.
As she laid out in lawn, looking back at the mayor, she tried to remember how she got here. She loved his massive cock and his controlling personality, but had she always? He could see the confused look on her face as she wiggled her ass at him and knew her mind was beginning to wonder again. He quickly unzipped his pants, prepared to put a stop to that.
Emily loved Mayor Dixon.

Becoming a blonde bimbo

I sat in the room scared shitless. The jocks have never liked nerds like me but this was ridicolous, why would they ever kidnap me?!
The had placed me in a room without windows and only one door in and commanded me to sit still on the lone chair that was in the room.
I heard them coming. The four of them entered the room again, one took guard behind me, one to the left, one to the right and their leader in the middle in front of me. The leader, Jack, was holding something in his hand. It looked like a Powerade bottle but the color of the drink didn´t match that particular taste. I knew that much.
“Drink”, Jack ordered me.
I was still scared. Maybe this was just a bad prank?
“All of it”. He handed me the bottle.
The fear must have been evident in my eyes as Jack got an evil smile on his face.
I gulped down the liquid in the bottle. Definately not Powerade. It tasted less chemical and more natural, even though it fizzled like a soda. Read more

Best bet ever made

Becoming a bimbo hasn’t been easy. First the transformation and living in a new place and then adjusting to the lifestyle. I only did it because I lost a stupid bet. But maybe now that I’ve experienced the other side and my new form. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.
Living like a bimbo is fun. The sex is great, the clothes are hot and fun to wear and you are the admiration of many. You wear slutty make up and get too wear pretty colours and all the men want you. It’s the best bet I’ve ever made.

Interactive Part 5 (Option 1)

You sit beside the pool, watching Brandi splash around with some guys who were obviously into her, and with boobies like hers, threatening to burst out of her little bikini top, who could blame them? You look down at your own bikini, but you’re instantly distracted by the huge belly just past it. James had really filled you up, in more ways than one. It had been eight months since then, and Brandi was lucky she had been more interested in tit-fucking: you weren’t sure either of you could handle the both of you being pregnant.
But even as round as you are, that wouldn’t stop you from getting some action. What else is a bimbo good for after all? You were surprised how many guys wanted to suck your milk-filled boobies, and feel your bloated belly pressed up against them. And speaking of…
Brandi had lost half of her top, but one of the guys was clearly more interested in something else. You wag your finger at him, calling him over as you pull down one half of your bikini top. His eyes go wide and he quickly comes over to you. Brandi and the other guy follow suit, and before you know it you’re in their car, giving them directions back to your house. Read more

Teaching respect

I should have known not to make fun of a witch. Not only did she turn me into a woman, she turned me into a sex crazed bimbo. I couldn’t go a day without having sex. “Only until you learn to respect women will the spell be broken” the witch told me on that faithfull day. I wasn’t used to sex as a woman, of course I wasn’t on the pill, or neither did I use any kind of protection. It wasn’t until I started to get morning sickness, and a small baby bump that I understood what she was talking about. I don’t know who the father is, I don’t even know the names of all the guys I slept with. Read more

big slut on campus – rabbit’s foot keychain

Steffi hated being the biggest slut in the entire school, but she couldn’t help it no matter how hard she fought. The other cheerleaders constantly teased her about her tight, sexy clothes and how she was always dating some new guy, giving her the reputation as the babe every guy wanted to fuck and biggest bimbo slut on campus! She hated they way girls giggled at her and guys stared, she hated how her big, perfect tits were always bouncing in her tiny tops making guys constantly stare,drool and hit on her… she hated it when they looked at her like a sex doll bimbo, knowing exactly what they were thinking… she wanted to tell every guy to leave her the fuck alone! but… Read more

Game Over!

“Defeated!” You smile as the your computer screen dims. You wonder what sexy transformation is about to befall on your character as you reach for your cock. A bright white light flashes on your screen, stunning you. As your vision returns you realize your not in your room anymore, but some ornate chamber. You barely have time to register you’re standing and wearing a dress when incredible arousal floods your body. “Ahhh…” you moan in a unfamiliar feminine growl as your chest balloons outward in unimaginable speed and pleasure. Your mind quickly melts. Read more

Kein Grund mehr stolz zu sein…

“Mama, bitte hilf mir. Ich möchte nicht für immer so bleiben. Bitte tu was” sagte Dominik (15)entsetzt. Judith, Dominik`s Mama, wusste nicht wie sie ihrem Jungen helfen sollte. Sie hätte besser nicht so sehr damit angeben sollen, wie gut ihr Junge in der Schule war. Er brachte regelmäßig 1. Noten nach Hause. Und seine Mutter war sehr stolz auf ihn und gab gerne damit vor anderen Eltern an. Er sollte sogar später auf die Uni. Dumm nur, das eine Mutter von Dominik`s Klassenkameraden eine Hexe war und Judith eine Lektion erteilen wollte. Eines morgens hörte sie Schreie aus dem Zimmer ihres Sohnes. Als sie im Zimmer lief, sah sie eine tätowierte Bimbo-Blondine da, wo eigentlich ihr Sohn liegen sollte. “Mama, was ist mit mir passiert?” fragte ihr Sohn in einer nervigen Piepsstimme. “Gestern Abend war alles noch normal und heute bin ich so aufgewacht. Auch das Zimmer ihres Sohnes sah ganz anders aus. Es war Pink und voll mit Postern. Auf dem Nachtisch lagen Sexspielzeuge. Der Zauber hatte die ganze Realität verändert. Ihr Sohn war jetzt Dana, ihre 18 jährige Tochter, die eine Friseurlehre abgebrochen hatte und sich jetzt als Stripperin durchschlug. Ein Nebeneffekt des Zaubers war auch, dass sich die Persönlichkeit ihres Sohnes immer mehr in die von Dana verwandelte. Sie interressierte sich jetzt für Jungs, Partys und Alkohol. Es war eine Katastrophe für Judith. Hätte sie doch bloß nicht so angegeben. Jetzt hatte sie auf jeden Fall absolut keinen Grund mehr dazu…..

Leo the Tard

“Leo you ‘tard, why are you so dumb,” asked Larry his coworker on the construction job site, after he nearly knocked out Larry with a 2×4 by accident. Read more

Women by Catalog

Year 2869, the human race is almost extinct due to the acute shortage of biological females, so that the world government decided to create a process that transformed some men to women.
At first, they were volunteers, but when they are over, things got worse, began using college students with low rate. This got worse when the private industry began to smuggle with men, to transform them into women, by catalog for the richest men on the planet. Read more