Tag Archives: @asdf101477

The Quiet Life

Harry had lots of friends and a wild life of parties and hangouts, while Denise had almost no friends and a quiet life of book reading and organization of the library inherited from her father. Read more

Not All He Was Thinking

As Jeff’s wife walked out the door, after magically changing him into a woman, he zipped up his new latex tank, after all his boobs were exposed now. Jeff’s wife Linda smiled as she closed the door behind her, the latest chapter in her life over, and a new one beginning as a single woman. As for Jeff, his life would begin a new chapter as a single woman as well, thanks to Linda’s wrath. Read more

Into the Wrong House

When Brent the burglar entered this particular mansion, it was the wrong house for him. The owner, was there, despite creating the illusion he was gone on vacation. The lights came on, and low and behold there stood Brent with two bags of goodies from the mansion, and the owner angrily smiling at him. Read more

Your Either With Us or With Us

Jack, Tim, and Georgio, said that either Clarence was with them or with them. Clarence didn’t understand that reference, wouldn’t he not be with them if he decided to not be? That made no sense, but soon it would. Jack explained he meant that if Clarence wasn’t with them in the business, a rather shady one in fact, then he would be with them anyway, still serving them in “some” regard. Read more

Odd Yet Good

After Vinnie was demoted to secretary after one too many bad suggestions at presentations, he didn’t have trouble with the job, but the body his boss gave him was very distracting. The breasts moved with the rest of his body, and though it was strange, it did feel good too. Perhaps this was a promotion, in body at least. His boss mandated all secretaries be female, and Vinnie, now Vanna was no exception.


When Henry swapped with Joselyn, it was to take her place for her to get her GHD, as a stripper she had not even graduated high school. However, Henry would quickly learn, Joselyn had no intention of swapping back. Henry was rich, attractive for a man, and had a bright future ahead of him. The “taking the test for her because she’s too dumb” was just a ruse. Read more

Beside Himself

Jeff was so full of himself and self centered, the old woman at the carnival could see right through him. She thought the world would be better served if this guy was taught a lesson in humility. Read more

Drunken Sam

Drunken Sam closed his eyes and licked his lips thinking he was hallucinating being a busty blonde woman, but it was in fact real, he was just too drunk to think straight at all. When his friend Tim asked for a blowjob upstairs, Sam even agreed, thinking this was just some sort of dream from the alcohol. Once the alcohol wore off however, and Sam had a nasty taste in his mouth, a guy walked into the bedroom he was now alone in. Read more

The Babettes

Harry loved the dancer/performers, the Babettes at a local bar/casino, but one night in a drunken stupor he said, “I love you girls so much, what would it take to join you?” Read more

Flight Promoted

Henry was tired of being the luggage guy at the airline company and being told what to do, and the female manager, Leona Lancer, over all the flight attendants overheard, “So you don’t like being a luggage bagboy do you? Want to be in charge? I can fix that.” Read more