I have been friends with Sarah for a long time. I originally sought her out when we were in high school but after years of trying finally realized I was in the “Friend Zone”. We remained very close friends for many years and I saw men come and go, but I never saw her happy. We were at her house late one night when I asked her what was going on with her love life, especially if I saw an opportunity to get out of the zone. She confessed that she had been having feelings for the fairer sex. Realizing this was my last chance I confessed all the built up feelings I had over the years. She was shocked. She cared for me but not in that way. But then we came up with an idea that we could be happy with. She had heard of a company that had the ability to change a male to a female with a bodysuit. Together we created the perfect woman, albeit a little chubby n curvy but she was magnificent. When the suit arrived from Nu-You, I wasted no time putting on the voluptuous form. I felt my ass and my thighs expand to curvy proportions and my breast become a solid 36 E. Last but not least was the mask; this beautiful mask with plump lips and flowing brown hair. I began to slide it over my head and align all the pieces into place. I looked into the mirror and was astonished. The curvy beautiful woman stared back. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, but love makes one do crazy things. I called Sarah over and told her I was ready. She let herself in and instantly stopped as soon as she saw me. Her eyes filled with lust and desire. She tore off our clothes and embraced me into a passionate kiss. I looked down at her; I started to speak, when she shushed me by putting her finger on my lips. She threw me onto the bed and began to kiss me removing the rest of my clothes. She began to kiss my moistening slit and lick it slowly. My back arched as pleasure overwhelmed me. She suddenly stopped. Sarah looked up with a look on her face of guilt. She confessed that she knew about my feelings for her long ago but I just wasn’t her type. But as she got older and her she realized her orientation, she began to think of ways that could both make us happy. She knew I would continue to have feelings for her after all these years. So she convinced me to get a bodysuit. After she relayed the story, I was stunned but I shushed her. I grabbed her and kissed her passionately. I told her that I didn’t care and that if being this way meant that I could be with her then I would. Sarah smiled the biggest smile that I had ever seen from her. We continued our lovemaking session for several hours. We laid on the bed sprawled out and exhausted. From this moment forward I knew my life was about to get very different but a lot better.