
my best friend and I both got transferred to a new private school. the reasoning was because he and I were huge troublemakers, everywhere we went there would be something new, and our parents were fed up.
They decided to send us to a so-called reforming school.
But still this didn’t change anything, we had been sent to these types of places and we didn’t plan on changing anything.
The first day was like any other, we behaved doing nothing wrong and generally being good students, we would keep it up for a while maybe giving people some false hope that we had changed, but that was what we wanted, we loved false hope and lies, it made us feel powerful.
That first day was strange in three ways.
One, as far as we could tell me and him were the only boys in the entire school, we actually thought that it was a mistake because we were sent to a woman’s only school. But we were assured that we had the right place.
the only other man was the principle.