Tag Archives: Lesbian


my best friend and I both got transferred to a new private school. the reasoning was because he and I were huge troublemakers, everywhere we went there would be something new, and our parents were fed up.
They decided to send us to a so-called reforming school.
But still this didn’t change anything, we had been sent to these types of places and we didn’t plan on changing anything.
The first day was like any other, we behaved doing nothing wrong and generally being good students, we would keep it up for a while maybe giving people some false hope that we had changed, but that was what we wanted, we loved false hope and lies, it made us feel powerful.
That first day was strange in three ways.
One, as far as we could tell me and him were the only boys in the entire school, we actually thought that it was a mistake because we were sent to a woman’s only school. But we were assured that we had the right place.
the only other man was the principle. Read more

Videospiel ( German )

Es war an einem Samstag Mittag und ich hatte sturmfreie Bude. Denn meine Eltern sind über das Wochenende weggefahren. Also rief ich (Timo) Jens an und wir trafen uns bei mir zum zocken. Wir hatten ja sonst nichts zu tun als 16 jährige Singles. Als erstes spielten wir ein paar uns alt bekannte Spiele. Dann, nach einer Weile griff ich in mein Spieleregal und zog ein Brand neues Strategiespiel heraus. Es trug den Namen “The Switcher”. Jens Augen begannen zu leuchten als er das neue Spiel sah. Und auch ich war neugierig auf das neue Game. Ich legte die DVD in die Spielkonsole und startete die Box. Zu Beginn wurde man das übliche abgefragt wie zum Beispiel die Anzahl der Spieler, den Schwierigkeitsgrad und so weiter. Doch dann kamen seltsame Fragen. Man konnte für jeden Player das Geschlecht, das Erscheinungsbild und noch weitere seltsame Dinge eingeben. Jens und ich machten uns den Spaß und verpassten unseren Spielfiguren junge, weibliche, sexy Bodys. Ungefähr so, wie wir sie gerne als Freundinnen gehabt hätten. Als wir endlich alle Eingaben getätigt hatten, passierte etwas seltsames. Der Screen ordnete sich in vier Teile. In dreien waren süße Mädels zu sehn. Entweder alleine oder zu zweit. Im vierten sahen wir uns selbst. Dann blendete sich ein Text ein. Read more

Easy Money

“Erm.” I grunted as Amy thrusted hard into me. “So, like, I get the general concept. People will pay more to see two girls fucking.” Read more

Fix That

What was that drink you gave me?” I asked my girlfriend as I started to feel dizzy, my face flushed as heat flowed through my whole body.
Well, you see, I really like you, personality-wise. But body-wise…well not so much. So that drink is going to fix that,” she said before she winked at me, and I finally blacked out. Read more

One night

“I know the deal was to one night of experimenting” Andrew told himself as he woke up early in the morning. Placing his left hand over his head, “but it felt so good, so right” he whispered. His girlfriend Emily had turned him into a girl last night, “to have a night that will be hard to forget” Emily had said. Read more


Andrew had just catched a glimpse of the most beautifull girl ever. He didn’t know why, but he just had to walk towards her. “Hello, my name is Andr…” he hadn’t even finished that sentence, when the girl looked up and started directly at his eyes. Her eyes looked weird, and Andrew couldn’t stop looking at them. Although the girl didn’t move her mouth, Andrew could hear her. “You! you will be mine” the girl said inside Andrew’s mind. “Lets go slave, take me home”. Andrew didn’t say a thing either, he took the girl in his arms, and took her to his car. Read more

Phone app

“What else should I change?” I asked myself while browsing through the app options. I had already altered my body completely. The first thing I had tried was growing breasts. I changed my eye and hair color, my body shape, my gender, my face, everything. Read more

The buffet of life: NatalieAmore’s serving

**This is the first of what I’m hoping to turn into a serial request series, so please read the first chapter and comment if you have anything you would like to have written. The tag for this series is going to be #BOL series** Read more

Magic Breasts

Have you ever heard of a magic cock? Yeah it sounds like one of those weird urban legends where a man can turn anyone who sees their cock into a cock sucking slut, but did you ever think about what the female version of that would be? Read more

FemaleFlu: Picnic

picnics are a thing my wife and I do a lot, we are practically experts.
we know the places, we know the blanket, and most importantly we knew the food. when it comes to food we don’t hold back.
we bake pies days before we go, have a cabinet specifically for saving food for picnics. Read more