Tag Archives: Wizard

Randall the Crime Wizard

Frank stumbled into the room, glancing back at the large muscular man who had been guarding it with his arms crossed. He looked around and saw a man in a grey robe sitting at a desk looking over some books. Read more

Vegas! Vegas! Vegas!

Tim, Stephen, and Bobby were on the road heading for Las Vegas. They were going to have a week’s worth of partying, drinking, and generally enjoying themselves. All three of them were wizards, which meant that Vegas was going to be even more fun then usual. Figuring, however, that they could get a better deal on hotels and stuff if one of them was a hot chick, they’d played three way rock, paper scissors to decide. Bobby lost, picking scissors while Tim and Stephen both picked rock. Read more

Fix This

So, yeah. Your probably wondering how this happened, boss, am I right? Okay, it’s kinda a long story…..ok, ok, I’m telling it. So you know how you keep telling me illegal substances and magic don’t mix? So, I was at this party last not, and they were passing around this really weird stuff, and….well….there were these guys who keep messing with me all night, like a half a dozen of of them, and, well, I had that cursed amulet you had me hold onto—you know, the one which amplifies magical power? Anyway, I was just going to turn one of them, you know, so the rest would start messing with them and not me, and, well…… Read more

Choosing a Wizard for a Roommate

My good friend Lee had asked me if I wanted to look for apartments with him. I figured I could use the money saved by splitting rent and whats the harm in two good bros living together. So I said yes. Read more

Wizard’s apprentice

I thought that being a wizard’s apprentice would be an exciting and interesting experience. But the reality came so short of my expectations. It was always damn chores: Erasing the hex boards. Shelving the spell books. Cleaning the potion bottles. After days and days of meaningless labor, I was beyond frustrated. I was so close to the world of magic, yet so far from making it mine. The firebolts, the levitation, the teleportation–Where were those? When I confronted my master wizard about this, he simply brushed his long white beard and smiled gently and uttered: “In time, my child.” Read more

Let me go home

“Please, let me go home!” I told the stranger infront of me. “Sure, I will let you go, if you can tell me where you live” he said. “I live in… in….” The more I tried to remember, the more my head hurt. It was like I had forgotten everything that happened before yesterday. “I don’t remember!!! but still, let me go!” I kept yelling and crying. “Sure, if you can tell me your name. I will let you go”. Once again, I couldn’t remember it. I continued to cry. “Don’t cry, I can’t stand a nice lady like you crying” he said. “But I am not a lady, I am not a woman, I am a….” I said, while looking down, and realizing I had breasts, and quite a feminine figure. Read more

This Better Be Worth It

Even though I was born a guy, I’ve always admired lesbians. I only watched lesbian porn and was constantly in lesbian chat rooms. Luckily I found a warlock who could grant my deepest desire. He would make me a girl so I could live out my fantasy of being a lesbian. He just had one condition. He got to have sex with me right after my transformation. I agreed, but that didn’t mean I enjoyed it.

The tea

“So, how is the tea James?” I asked my friend. “It is good, but to tell you the truth, at first it tasted funny, and I felt it burn my tongue. But after the second taste, I just can’t stop drinking it.” Read more