Tag Archives: @themadqueen


I was hanging out with my friend Ryan, drinking some beers, when he excused himself to the bathroom. Sitting around with nothing else to do, I noticed his phone on the counter and though ‘perfect, a chance to mess with him’. I opened up his facebook immediately, but closed it shortly afterwards. He could easily explain that away. No I could do better. I then noticed an app called WishTracker. Some sort of motivational tool? I opened it up, and it was clear he was using it to track his goals. “I will become the captain of the football team. I will learn all our course material as soon as it’s taught. I will have the highest grade in the class.” Well it was pretty clear he took this seriously, most of these were well within his grasp if not there already. Read more

Crash Diet

Day 1: “Babe, your ex hooked me up with a big shipment of diet food from her company, so the kitchen is now a junk free zone. We’re getting in shape for our wedding this summer.”
“If you say so. I’m kinda surprised Kristen’s buried the hatchet, but all the seals seem to be intact. If you need help, I’m you man.” Read more

Rejection isn’t always bad

When you split up with a powerful witch, things can get messy. At least, that’s my experience with my ex. One month ago she discovered my messages with another woman, and the promises I’d made to “dump my bitch”. Yeah, bad call on my part. Read more

The Sanskrit Spellbook: Finale

I worked myself into the dress and made the last finishing touches on my makeup. ‘Perfect,’ I thought, finally content with my look for the evening. Now to get the opinion that really matters. Read more

Rhetorical Questions

Adam was sick and tired of doing poorly in school. It seemed like no matter how hard he studied he’d always get stumped by questions about the most obscure details possible. He was walking home on day after a particularly frustrating test. He’d gotten full marks on the essay, but somehow couldn’t list all the authors of the texts he’d been reading. “It’s not fair,” he grumbled to nobody in particular, “I just wish I knew the answer to any question.” A clap of thunder interrupted his train of thought. ‘That’s weird,’ he thought, ‘there isn’t a cloud in the sky’. Read more

Fair is Fair

John and his friends had been downtown wandering aimlessly, just killing time before the bars opened. They’d made passes at a few girls they’d bumped into, trying to persuade them to come out with them in the evening. It hadn’t gone to poorly, but John felt that no matter what he did, he couldn’t get any of them to pay attention to him any more than the rest of his friends. “Oh well” he thought, “so long as a few girls show up I’ll have a chance.” Read more

Rejection isn’t always bad

When you split up with a powerful witch, things can get messy. At least, that’s my experience with my ex. One month ago she discovered my messages with another woman, and the promises I’d made to “dump my bitch”. Yeah, bad call on my part. Read more

The Sanskrit Spellbook: Pt VI

Adam barely required any convincing this time to help me finish this. Just a few moments of me slowly grinding my ass over his dick, which was fast returning to form for the fourth time that night. Without any warning, he grabbed my hips and thrust into me. Read more

The Sanskrit Spellbook: Pt V

As I felt the afterglow of my orgasm fade, I started to come back to my senses. If I wanted the spell to work, I had to keep up the momentum. Plus, this body wasn’t giving any arguments against a little more play. Read more

She Came

“So let me get this straight, she just comes in your house and makes you hotter, like magic?” Read more