Tag Archives: genie

Outsmart the Genie

“You’re a genie!” I shouted to the scantily-clad woman who appeared in my living room after I rubbed the table lamp as I cleaned my house. I always thought they came out of different lamps but this works too.
“Yes, but a different kind,” she said, her voice seductive. “I don’t grant wishes: instead you name a person, and I give them whatever their greatest wish is.”
A bit odd, but I had a perfect way around it: my mother really wants grandchildren, and I haven’t had a girlfriend in years, so I’ll kill two birds with one stone.
“Alright, I choose my mother,” I said confidently.
“granted,” the genie said as she snapped her fingers and disappeared. I thought my beautiful new wife would appear as instantly, but she didn’t. Maybe the magic was a bit delayed? I shrugged and went back to cleaning. As I did I started to feel really warm. it was summer though, so I didn’t think anything of it. Until I felt the swaying on my chest, that is.
“What?” I muttered, feeling the lumps beneath my shirt. “Why is my chest to flabby?” I removed my shirt to get a better look. Why does it look like I have-
“Tits?…” I whispered, poking the fleshy mounds wobbling on my chest. I fondled them for a few moments, both terrified and aroused. I was so interested in my new breasts I didn’t even notice the gurgling in my stomach, or that it was slowly ballooning outward.
I didn’t notice until it was past my heavy new assets. “Holy shit!” I shouted, moving my hands down to cradle my expanding belly. “Why am I getting so fat? I almost look like I’m pregnant!” Wait. Breasts, dainty hands, slim arms, high voice, big belly…
“I AM pregnant!” I screamed. I hadn’t outsmarted the genie after all! Instead of giving me a wife to give my mother grandchildren, I was going to have them!
I waddled up the stairs to my bathroom, my belly still growing, but much slower than it had been. I looked at myself in the mirror, and my mouth dropped. I was completely female, from head to toe, no part of my male self remaining, not even-
“My dick!” I pulled my pants down and revealed my crotch, previously hidden my my huge belly. It was gone, and in its place was a vagina. My vagina. My vagina that was going to be pushing a baby out of it way sooner than I would have liked.
But at least Mom would get her grandchildren.

Girlfriend from a genie

I was walking on the beach when I found a sandy lamp. it looked like some old genie lamp that you saw in movies so I decided to bring it back to my beach house where I was staying with my buddy Kevin.
I set it on the counter and went back outside. Read more

Genie Series End.

I am really thankfull for all your wishes. I hope you all enjoyed it. And I also hope that in the future, I can do a second round. But for the time being, I won’t be taking anymore wishes. Read more


I found a genie inside of a lamp that I bought from an antique store. I didn’t believe it at first, but she was actually real. Her name was Reela and she was very beautiful. She said that there are no limit for my wish, and she will serve me until I wish her to no longer serve me, then her lamp will disappear and she will find a new master. Read more

Genie Series #32. @Captainboobs

“Hey genie. Jim here wanting to be able to go into the ladies changing rooms without anyone noticing anything out of the ordinary. Thanks.” Jim asked Genie. “Well, this one is an easy one to grant Jim. Wish Granted” she said, and faded away. Read more

Genie Series #31. @Skxawng

Genie read Joseph’s wish “Hey Genie, my name is Joseph. I only get one wish? Then I wish I could have your magical power so I could fulfill all of my other wishes!”, she couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh Joseph, you want to be a Genie like myself? sorry, but I can’t allow that. Although, there are many other magical beings I can turn you into. There hasn’t been a black winged angel for centuries. I think you’ll make a perfect one. Wish granted” Genie said. Read more

Genie Series #11. @stryke89

“My name is Alex, and I wish to become a hot naughty gamer girl!” Genie read outloud. “I love these kind of wishes, straight and simple” she said. “Wish granted” Genie said while transforming into a game avatar. Alex was at home, playing games as usual, when his controller started shaking, it was like rumble but way too intense. It started to fall apart, “cheap piece of plastic” Alex said outloud, but then he noticed pink goo dripping out of it. In a matter of seconds he was completely covered by the goo. Read more

Genie Series #30. @tiffany23

“Hello Genie! My name is Trent and I’m getting bored as the CEO of my company. I wish that I could live a much simpler life with a more menial life” Genie smiled as she read Trents wish. “I know exactly what he needs. Wish granted” she said, and as faded away into pink holographic symbols. Read more

Genie Series #10. @Rincewind42

“That’s a fun wish” Genie said while reading the next wish, “My name is Will, and I wish to be loved by everyone around me”. It was easy to know how it will turn out. “I am sure that Will will get more than he wished for” Genie said before saying “wish granted” and disappearing. Read more