Tag Archives: BodyTransformation

Videospiel ( German )

Es war an einem Samstag Mittag und ich hatte sturmfreie Bude. Denn meine Eltern sind über das Wochenende weggefahren. Also rief ich (Timo) Jens an und wir trafen uns bei mir zum zocken. Wir hatten ja sonst nichts zu tun als 16 jährige Singles. Als erstes spielten wir ein paar uns alt bekannte Spiele. Dann, nach einer Weile griff ich in mein Spieleregal und zog ein Brand neues Strategiespiel heraus. Es trug den Namen “The Switcher”. Jens Augen begannen zu leuchten als er das neue Spiel sah. Und auch ich war neugierig auf das neue Game. Ich legte die DVD in die Spielkonsole und startete die Box. Zu Beginn wurde man das übliche abgefragt wie zum Beispiel die Anzahl der Spieler, den Schwierigkeitsgrad und so weiter. Doch dann kamen seltsame Fragen. Man konnte für jeden Player das Geschlecht, das Erscheinungsbild und noch weitere seltsame Dinge eingeben. Jens und ich machten uns den Spaß und verpassten unseren Spielfiguren junge, weibliche, sexy Bodys. Ungefähr so, wie wir sie gerne als Freundinnen gehabt hätten. Als wir endlich alle Eingaben getätigt hatten, passierte etwas seltsames. Der Screen ordnete sich in vier Teile. In dreien waren süße Mädels zu sehn. Entweder alleine oder zu zweit. Im vierten sahen wir uns selbst. Dann blendete sich ein Text ein. Read more

Becoming myself

So I woke up this morning looking like this. It’s really strange considering that just yesterday I was a guy. Now I had two real breasts, my body was much slimmer and the penis that kept me company for 25 years was gone. I wasn’t scared nor I didn’t panic. To be honest I was hoping this would happen. I may have been a guy for 25 years but inside I always felt like a woman. Read more

The Touch

After mouthy male porn star Dick Stocker was turned into Dixie Strokes for being rough with a female porn star; he was at first in shock, but once his urges kicked in he lived up to HER new name.

Insulting the Flight Attendant

After calling the flight attendant a bitch for giving him warm beer, Ted would find he would be in a for a different ride this flight. She had newly acquired magic powers and was dying to try them out on someone. She turned Tad into a woman instantly and his smile from the insult quickly faded once he realized he had boobs, long blue fingernails, long hair, and a different feeling groin area. Read more

Busty Trusty

Rhonda, Brenda, Jess, Tess, and Rory, all welcomed Tim to womanhood much to his surprise and shock. Rhonda and Jess hefted and licked his new boobs, as Rory licked his new pussy. Brenda and Tess declared that Tiffany was born as “she” moaned in ecstasy as her pussy was eaten out. Tim now Tiffany had said she loved big breasted slutty girls, so they made him into one. The girls didn’t appreciate being called sluts, so a little revenge and addition to their girl group was in order for Tim to learn a lesson and join them as their newest member of the Roxy Foxy group of party gals.

New Soap

I got home after a hard day working and decided to take a shower. ” Honey , I’ll be right out after washing this dirt off! “. I heard her say something about don’t use her soap but I don’t listen to her.
I got the water just right and got in . I was letting the shower just run down me when I started looking for some soap to wash with. I just grabbed the closest one I could find and started lathering up. It really felt good! The more I scrubbed the better I felt! What I didn’t realize was the soap I grabbed was hers. It is called FemForever!
As I kept washing my body was going through changes that I didn’t realize until it was too late! “Honey!!! I said in my now very feminine voice-” come here ! I have a little problem! “. When she opened up the door to the shower this is what she saw…


Martin was really mad that he gave into temptation of using magic. He was mad that he ended up in this place full of sinners but mostly he was mad at himself that he is really starting to enjoy it. Not so long ago Martin was a very religious person. He was going to chruch every day, praising the lord and his will. Martin was on a good way to become a priest in the future but that changed with the cursed book he found in the library. Martin knew that everything involving magic is a sin but he took the book to study it closer. While reading it he stumbled upon a gender changing spell. Martin still doesn’t know what got into him but he read the spell outloud. A gust of wind ran through his room and suddenly Martin turned into a woman. Read more

Great Idea

Brian and Tim were in a state of complete euphoria as they masturbated while listening to the sexy moans of each other. Read more

Family Photo

Paul and his sons Carl, Terry, and Grady always treated Lucy like trash. She regretted ever marrying someone like Paul. One day, she happened across a strange occult shop that appeared one day while she was out trying to find a gift for Paul’s birthday. After looking around for a while, she found an old camera. She couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to buy such an old piece of junk when they could just take pictures with their phones. The shop owner told her that the camera was extremely unique. The old woman took a picture of herself with it and transformed right before Lucy’s very eyes. Shocked, Lucy immediately purchased the camera. Read more