Tag Archives: AgeRegression

Magische Kriminalität

“Kann ich meine Hände jetzt wieder runternehmen” sagte Niels in der neuen Mädchenstimme die er seit 20 Minuten hatte. “Wir sind wirklich Männer, die eine aus dieser Mädchengang hat uns verwandelt!”
“Klar Blondie, habt ihr Drogen genommen? Ich kenne das Millieu hier und ihr lasst euch immer neue Ausreden einfallen, um keine Strafe abzubekommen. Jetzt her mit deinem Ausweis!” sagte der genervte Polizist.
“Den hab ich ja eben versucht zu suchen als ihr dachtet ich hol n Messer oder so raus. Ich hab keine Ahnung wo ich hier meinen Ausweis haben könnte.” Nach ein wenig suchen beachtete Niels die Handtasche die zwischen seinen Beinen stand, direkt neben den pinken Converse Schuhen. “Ah hier .. ey, ich hab echt keine Ahnung was hier abgeht. Hier scheint wohl mein Portmonee zu sein, aber nochmal, ich und Dominik hier haben die alte Dame da nicht ausgeraubt. Das war so eine Mädchengang und wir wollten helfen. Plötzlich holt die eine so einen alten Stock aus ihrer Tasche zeigt auf uns … ich wurde von irgendwas getroffen und im nächsten Moment habe ich blonde Haare im Gesicht und pinke Fingernägel.
“Ja ja … ist klar Mädchen. Gut … ja, das ist dein Ausweis: Chantal Barinski, geboren 2001 in Berlin. Was ist mit der Nutte da neben dir, hast du auch deinen Ausweis gefunden mittlerweile oder guckst du da draußen nur Jungs hinterher” sagte der Polizist zu Dominik.
“Was heißt hier Nutte? Das was Niels sagte stimmt, ich stand da plötzlich im Park und hab sofort die Brüste gesehen in diesem mega Ausschnitt den die mir gegeben haben. In meinem Rock hier habe ich keine Taschen mehr” sagte Dominik und tastete nochmal alles hab. “Niels, vielleicht bei dir in der Handtasche?”
Nach kurzer Suche zwischen Taschentüchern, Make-Up, Tampons, Pfefferspray und nem iPhone fand Niels, jetzt Chantal, ein violettes Portmonee. Der Polizist sah sich den Ausweis an.
“Ayla Shaylin Lammers, türkische und deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft, geboren 2000 auch in Berlin. Deutscher Vater und türkische Mutter?”
Dem Polizisten schien es Spaß zu machen und er erlebte das wohl auch mehrmals am Tag. Die Hinweise der beiden zur Verwandlung überhörte er. Da die alte Dame aussagte, dass die beiden das nicht waren und wohl nur zufällig da waren wurden sie gehen lassen.
Die neue Chantal wartete schon draußen als die neue Ayla ausstieg und da wusste Niels auch warum der Bulle sie Nutte genannt hatte. Ayla war kleiner als Chantal, hatte größere Brüste, ein hautenges Oberteil, einen Minirock und braune High heels an. “Scheiße, was haben die mit uns gemacht. Du siehst echt aus wie ne 17 jährige Nutte” sagte Chantal. “Ach ja? Du hast die Kondome in deiner Handtasche wohl umsonst” sagte Ayla genervt. Read more

Strange mother

The strangest thing happened to my girlfriend and I. We were peacefully watching TV when her mother came into the room, pointing some sort of remote control at us. She laughed and hit the main button. A flash of light hit us, and when we came back to ourselves we weren’t in our bodies any longer.
I was in my girlfriend’s body, my girlfriend became her mom, and she became me. Read more

The pact

I had been a man for 80 years. And my loving wife had been by my side for the better part of that time. Long time ago we had made a pact, we were to use a spell to possess new bodies the moment we both hit 80 years old. We looked for a young couple to possess. “How about them?” I asked my wife while we were sitting on a park bench. “No. They don’t look happy” she said. “Them?” I asked while pointing at a different couple. “Better but no” she said. Read more

Wrong party

“Can you belive it Jared! I look so hot right now” Mike said taking a selfie. His friend Jared looked at him from under his book. “Yeah, you sure do” Jared sighed and went back to reading. Mike put his hand on his slim waist enjoying to have the body of a teenage girl. “Say, would you change anything if you had the chance?” Mike asked. “Well, it’s not like we had anything to say in that matter but I thing i prefere it this way. Being a teenager is nice again however I’m surprised that you are taking it so well” Jared said. “Why shouldn’t I?” Mike asked. “Well… I at least stayed a guy while you are a girl now” Jared pointed out. “Yes, I’m a girl and it feels great” Mike said and took another selfie. Read more

Fisherman Reborn

Eugene had been a fisherman for fifty years, like his father before him and his grandfather too. His grandfather always claimed it all went all way back to his ancestor in ancient Greece, who seduced an ocean nymph and was blessed with good fortune at sea. Of course, Eugene never believed that. Read more

A new start

Roger brushed the long hair that fell on his face and slung down his smooth feminine legs on the floor. He was sitting on the bed trying to get fully awake. Wincing his cute girly face he stood up, feeling an odd jiggle on his chest, something he didn’t get quite used to. Half asleep Roger went to the bathroom where he glanced at his reflection in the mirror. Seeing the teenage girl staring back at him Roger let out a sight. To think that it’s all because some stupid quarrel with his daughter. If he didn’t say the words that pissed her off he would still be his normal, 45 years old self. Instead now he was 17 and on top of that a girl. Read more

Strange fog

After a chemical leak in the near power plant the town was struggling with strange fogs. The authorities warned the citizens to avoid any contact with the strange anomaly until they can find a solution to get rid of it. Read more

A day in the life of a girl. Part 3

Rich rubbed his eyes and let out a big yawn. He looked around the room noticing a few changes. Rich turned around on the bed feeling a little bit taller than before. Suddenly the door opened and his parents went in, holding a cake. “Happy birthday Heather” They exclaimed. Confused Rich counted the candles. There were four of them. Rich didn’t know exactly whats going on. Just yesterday he was much younger why is he suddenly four years old? Is this the part of the spell? Read more

Something is wrong with the neighbor

When Monica came back from work she found her husband John on the couch mumbling to himself “I’m an old black guy, I’m an old black guy”. In their 30 years of marriage she never saw something like this. When she aproached her husband he jumped out of the couch and in complete hysterics begin claiming that he is Alex, the young woman living across the street and that her body was stolen by Monica’s husband. Monica was ready to call for help thinking her husband went crazy but something inside was telling her she should at least check on her neighboors just to make sure her husband didn’t do anything stupid. Read more

Stacy’s secret

Alan smiled feeling like the luckiest guy in the world when he saw his beautiful girlfriend waiting for him. He wasn’t very popular at school but somehow he managed to get the prettiest and most popular girl at school, Stacy West. Since his father dissapeared three years ago Alan barely talked to anyone and spend most of the time alone. He didn’t knew why his dad left without saying anything and he grew up to hate him. If only Alan knew that his father is closer than he could imagine. Read more