
“Wait a second,” gasped Arthur as his wife Liane stroked his pussy. She halted briefly. “Seriously, I just need to know something,” he said, putting his new delicate hands on her face and her waist.

“What, honey?” Liane asked, pushing him against the wall.

“I’m torn, honey,” Arthur confessed. “Ever since that weird RE thing passed by my office and gave me this nubile little body, I’ve felt so small and wet and vulnerable…and you’ve become so dominant all of a sudden. That was unexpected. So I dunno what to do: should I give in? Why are you smiling?” he asked, puzzled by his wife’s aggressive stance and her grin.

Liane replied: “The RE didn’t just change your world, Arthur, it changed mine too. It didn’t alter me physically, but it did give me MANY new mental desires. I want to fuck and suckle and cuddle with my new little cum slut. I want to dominate you,” she said, fingering his cunny lips. “Can you be my little cum slut, honey?”

“Oh my God!” Arthur cried as he felt Liane’s finger up his…his…her pussy. “Oh yes, yes, yes!” he screamed as he surrendered to Liane’s domination.


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