
Photoshop was Henry’s program of choice to alter girl’s pictures more to his liking. His girlfriend caught him doing this one Saturday afternoon, and was not pleased.

“Are you flipping serious? You really want me with boobs that big? Are you crazy? I bet if you had boobs that big, you wouldn’t be in good spirits either, you are into some weird stuff there, Henry,” said Hannah.

Then she remembered the coin she got at the vending machine, it said it was a wishing coin on it. She chuckled to herself, not believing anything would happen, but held the coin anyway.

“You see this coin here Henry? It’s a wishing coin. I wish you were like these girls and had humongous breasts like you show them having with Photoshop. Let’s see if you like it, being unrealistically chesty,” said Hannah.

“Are you serious? Wishing coin oh sure… ugh aw AAAAAAH,” said Henry as his body twisted and contorted as he flung up out of his computer chair in horror.

This picture shows Henry shortly after the changes, having just unzipped his new jumpsuit, in utter shock and disbelief, feeling the long soft brunette hair cascade around his changed faced neck, shoulders and back, while feeling the tremendous weight and size of his new non-proportional chest in comparison to the rest of his new body. He even found his new plumbing, squealing in shock.

“It seems this coin really did work, oh my wait, what’s happening to it,” asked Hannah as it disappeared from her fingers.

Henry, already at a loss for words, was still quiet, his new mouth open in stunned disbelief, seeing that coin that somehow changed his body vanish right through his girlfriend’s fingers, along with any chance of him becoming a man again or at least making his immensely sized breast a bit smaller. He was stuck as an ultra busty brunette woman now, and as he released his boobs from the jumpsuit and looked in the mirror he screamed.

“I have flipping torpedoes on my chest, no one will ever take me seriously now, and I bet I can’t change back, that coin is gone, help me Hannah, I don’t want to be a busty freak of a girl,” said a former man in desperation.

“You know what, I’m sorry, but then again I’m not. This is how you thought the women in pictures on your computer should look, including me, so now you can be exactly like that in real life and see how it suits you now. I bet you won’t be doing that to the pictures any longer will you? I even bet your boobs will bump the keyboard a lot now too. Maybe you should join a club for busty gals online now instead? This is kind of bad for you, but a fitting punishment as well. We can go to that vending machine, though, and try to get another coin.

They went to where the vending machine was, and it was gone without a trace and the store manager said she didn’t even know how it was gone, or who took it.

Hannah had to rub it all in for poor Henry, “Well Henrietta, looks like we should head on in the store and get you some bras for those, what are you a 32J now? Hmm, on second thought maybe we need to try Victoria Secrets, or just order them online, I’m sure this department store doesn’t carry 32J bras, and a lot of other common stores don’t either. For now, we’ll get you a large top to cover them up, and some pants, although I’m short on cash for both, maybe just a large dress to fit your chest and cover you up for now, how does that sound, sweat heart?”

“Henrietta? Sweat heart? Ugh, are you kidding me, big bras? Big tops, a big dress? Why don’t you just stamp woman on my forehead, since you are so intent on making it clear I’m a woman now, as if these things aren’t enough.” said a distraught and upset Henry.

“You brought this on yourself, lucky for you I’m bi, and still attracted to you, or I would have dumped you by now. Now all I have money for is a dress so get your big ass in there and pick one,” said an increasingly impatient Hannah, now a girlfriend who had a new girlfriend.


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