The Great Shift happened just when I was about to leave my girlfriend’s flat.
I landed in one of her flatmates body, while she ended up in mine. Her flatmate on the other hand, found herself in my girlfriend’s body.
At first, it wasn’t easy. Sheryl was a beautiful girl, sure, but being a girl took a lot of getting used to. I decided to stay with “my girlfriend”, now in my body, which made it even stranger.
After a while though, our relationship was going great. She felt strange having sex with her flatmate, but at the same time, she started being attracted to my new body, so…
What shocked me is when I learned that she, in my body, had sex with her flatmate who was now in her body! I guess it was some rests from my body, the hormones and all…
She even suggested we try it all together. I’ll need some time to think about it, but sure, we’ve all seen each other naked at some point in our life…