What a wonderful sight.

Matt was surprised at how well his friends and family were taking his transformation.

He had always dreamed of being a woman and after the death of his grandfather which was a tragic and a sad lost to him.

He was surprised to find out that his grandfather had left him $20,000 which was just enough for him to finally make his dreams a reality.

He signed up with the local swap commission.

All he wanted was to be young, sexy & female.

It was an anxious 3 and a half weeks weight before they match deal with a suitable body.

A young lady who always felt she was born in the wrong body.

He looked her particulars over and as they were only exchanging bodies and not lives it was a quick and easy process.

So two days after both of them signing contracts and agreeing to the body swap commissions terms and conditions they exchanged bodies and he was more than happy with the body he got as it was better than he could have ever imagined.

As he allowed himself a few seconds to get acquainted with his new body as he got dressed for the first time as a woman before leaving.


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