“Thanks for helping me do my hair, Sis,” said Tomiko (formerly Tom), privately kicking herself at how even the most basic things made her feel incompetent. Chagrin didn’t even begin to describe her frustration and helplessness.
Sister Riki giggled. “Anytime Tomi, and don’t be too hard on yourself; after all, you didn’t grow up as a girl so you have a lot to learn. I mean, imagine if I suddenly became a man: wouldn’t it be a ‘hard’ thing to deal with having a penis?” Both girls laughed and the moodiness was dispelled.
Tomi: (sigh) “More seriously though, I never expected the real Tomiko to run off with my body and disappear into Canada when the academic term was over. This isn’t what I’d expected when I signed up for the Study Abroad Exchange Program.”
Riki: (nodding) “That surprised me too, but she never did like bras and dresses and was really quite the tomboy. She always expressed distaste for her curves & body image. We should’ve been on our guard. Now, let me show you how to get settled in your bra—it’s important and you’ll need to do this for yourself, possibly many times a day.”
Tomi: “Which one’s mine? Am I supposed to wear all of those?”
Riki: “Silly girl, the bigger ones are mine of course! I’ll show you how to fit into your cups; then we’ll move on to your panties.”