Tag Archives: hair


I loved his look of fearful submission. He knew that he didn’t like his current situation. But he was smart enough to know there was nothing he could do to change it. The desperation in his eyes was perfect. Read more

Time Travel Flaws

“I have just invented time travel. Day: March 20th, 1972 Time: 4:25pm Eastern Standard Time Place: My lab. Today you, whoever ends up watching this, will witness time travel. When I press this button, I shall be sent into the future, in this exact geographical location, and the camera will be here to see it. Here I go!” Read more

It’s Morphing Time

Jason was a big fan of the Power Rangers when he was growing up. He followed the tv series his entire childhood. But now that Jason is in high school he doesn’t watch it anymore, right? Wrong. Jason still follows the Power Rangers series to this day. His first major crush was on Kimberly from the original crew of teens. He loved the messages the show got across, and always dreamed of becoming one. Read more

Thanks, Sis

“Thanks for helping me do my hair, Sis,” said Tomiko (formerly Tom), privately kicking herself at how even the most basic things made her feel incompetent. Chagrin didn’t even begin to describe her frustration and helplessness. Read more

It’s Morphing Time

Jason was a big fan of the Power Rangers when he was growing up. He followed the tv series his entire childhood. But now that Jason is in high school he doesn’t watch it anymore, right? Wrong. Jason still follows the Power Rangers series to this day. His first major crush was on Kimberly from the original crew of teens. He loved the messages the show got across, and always dreamed of becoming one. Read more

She Said She Liked Bald Men

Shawna said she liked bald men, and took one home with her from the bar. Little did she know, that particular man liked having hair, and would do something about getting it back. Read more