Tag Archives: @Clockworktg

Contaminated Lake (Part 2 of 5)

The next one the contaminated lake took effect on was John. Before he even realized what was really happening his shorts fell off due to his shrinking hips and shifting thighs. His damp hair was gradually snaking lower towards his ripening ass and his chest was sagging downward as he grew two large soft tits. Read more

Contaminated Lake (Part 1 of 5)

Lake Jacobson used to be like any other small town mountain lake, that is until one day in the Spring when there was an accident and a tanker full of the drug chemical Fem-X spilled into the lake, contaminating it’s waters. Fortunately the lake was deep in the mountains so people rarely swam in it, that is until summer when a group of four teenagers, Kyle, John, Chris, Helen and Nick went there for a day trip. Read more

My Little Brother has Second Puberty

Me and my younger brother Doug had always been close, he was three years younger than me but we got along great. Still things changed one night when my mom came into my Room. You see Doug had been feeling odd for a few weeks so they had gone to the doctor that morning and now I was getting the news. Read more

Putting the Total Swap App on His Phone (Part 4)

The next body John swapped into was that of Michelle, the next door neighbor’s young teenage daughter. John and his family had lived in this house for years as had their neighbors so he had seen Michelle grow from a young toddler into the attractive woman she was now. Read more

My Older Brother has Second Puberty

Me and my older brother Kyle had always been close, he was three years older than me but we got along great. Still things changed one night when my mom came into my Room. You see Kyle had been feeling odd for a few weeks so they had gone to the doctor that morning and now I was getting the news. Read more

Second Puberty Changes Things

It all used to be so simple, me and my buddy Ted. We’ve known each other since we were just little kids playing in the sandbox. We went to school together, hung out together, grew up together through good times and bad. Read more

Putting the Total Swap App on His Phone (Part 1)

After his experience using the Total Swap App on his Son’s phone John opted to install it on his own phone. His son explained to him the basic way it worked, take a picture and upload it to the service, after that you could select it and transform into the subject of the photo. You could save your favorites as presets and there was even a random button to get a total random person from another users upload. And for those wondering the Police have special devices that can dissolve a Swap in the case of a crime being committed. Read more