Swapping party

Ryan couldn’t wait to get inside the club for the swapping party. He heard a lot of crazy things about it. Just imagine a large group of people at one place getting their bodies swapped with eachother for a wild night.
When he got inside the gathered people were matched in pairs. Ryan’s partner was Katie, a hot blonde girls about his age. Ryan was surprised. He didn’t knew the were swapping people of the opposite gender but he didn’t complain. It could be a nice expirience to be a girl for a night. Soon everyone got swapped and the party started.

Ryan should had a hard time to adjust being a girl. Katie’s breasts were huge and they bounced with every move, making dancing very uncomfortable at some point. There was also the looks some of the male crowd were giving him. A few times someone even touched his ass. Despite those inconvenience Ryan had a great time.

At some point however he started to worry about something. He didn’t saw Katie in his body since they swapped. He looked around the club a few times asking the bouncers and bartenders but without any luck. Nobody had seen her so Ryan continued his search. After the party ended everybody swapped back. Everybody besides Ryan since Katie was long gone with his body trapping him inside hers.


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