Rabbit Hole

“Hey Alice, can we get a picture?!”
“Goodness, why yes of course! Oh how I love photographs *giggle*” I said, beaming and posing in my now routine girly manner. The two guests who approached me, both young men, snapped the pic and then looked at each other and smiled. “Are you two enjoying your time in the magic kingdom?” I cheerfully asked.

“Oh totally, we just wish it would last longer.” One of them commented.

“Do be careful what you wish for boys! I was like you, until I came across that dreadful rabbit hole and fell in! Now I live in this wonderful world!”

“Ha, that’s cute. Still, I don’t see the downside!”

“Teehee of course not! You boys enjoy the rest of your stay.” I said, curtsying and then swishing away. Those poor guys, with any luck they’ll be smart and no go looking for rabbit. I wasn’t as lucky, or as smart. I didn’t know that it would turn me into the Alice character. I didn’t know that’s how disney gets their characters. I didn’t know that they could totally control the way I act and speak. For the last 10 months I’ve lived 24/7 as a cheerful disney character, and a woman.

That interaction was me trying to warn them, but of course it just came out as cute, rehearsed dialogue. They have no idea I’m really a guy, at least on the inside. They have no idea I’m stuck here until the people in charge decide I’ve served enough time. They have no idea that we’re looking for a new Belle and Jasmine, and the people in charge have their eye on them.


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