As John and Mike’s cum splashed onto Tina, formerly Tyler’s, body she came. Her body was hyper sensitive and quite the nymphomaniac. Her mind was still Tyler though. She new she should be ashamed and disgusted by what she’d just done. The amount of pleasure her body was giving her made that view point hard to maintain.
“Ok guys, I- *ahhnn!*” Tina gasped as a glob of cum dripped into her mouth, the taste was so incredible she could literally feel her pussy spasm, “Wow. Well um, I know Cassie transformed me cause I said she wasn’t horny enough for me, but you guys really need to stop pulling out your cocks near me. And you can’t tell Cassie we did this. She’ll never turn me back if she finds out what we’ve been doing.”
John and Mike both agreed immediately to never tell Cassie about it in exchange for more sex. They also agreed to cover Tyler’s rent, again in exchange for more sex. Fortunately for all involved, Cassie had been so upset at Tyler that after she transformed him she moved away. Tina was there to stay.