Category Archives: Erotic Captions


I laugh. I just laugh. I can’t help it. When I pee, I sit. And it makes me laugh because it makes me remember when I was a man. I stood to pee then, I had a dick, I was a dude.
I can’t believe that was me. I couldn’t go back. I love my smooth skin, my tits and long hair. My favourite is the two sweet pink lips that make my vagina.
I laugh because half the planet still have to live as me . They still have to live as the lesser gender.

Female For Good

It’s unreal. Well and truly. I honestly believed my life was over. I had conceded defeat. I couldn’t live as a girl. I couldn’t do hair, cross my legs, wear a skirt, sit to pee, do make up or wear heels. But I learnt I could live as a girl and I could do all those things with a passion. Read more

Not Having a Dick Again

Haha! How it must suck to be you? After all, we would know. You thought we were terrible boyfriends. To be fair, I don’t think either of us are willing to truly dispute that. You thought it would teach us a lesson if we swapped bodies and we walked a mile in your shoes. Well, you taught us a lesson. A lesson in womanhood. It’s far better, far better to be female. Read more

Videospiel ( German )

Es war an einem Samstag Mittag und ich hatte sturmfreie Bude. Denn meine Eltern sind über das Wochenende weggefahren. Also rief ich (Timo) Jens an und wir trafen uns bei mir zum zocken. Wir hatten ja sonst nichts zu tun als 16 jährige Singles. Als erstes spielten wir ein paar uns alt bekannte Spiele. Dann, nach einer Weile griff ich in mein Spieleregal und zog ein Brand neues Strategiespiel heraus. Es trug den Namen “The Switcher”. Jens Augen begannen zu leuchten als er das neue Spiel sah. Und auch ich war neugierig auf das neue Game. Ich legte die DVD in die Spielkonsole und startete die Box. Zu Beginn wurde man das übliche abgefragt wie zum Beispiel die Anzahl der Spieler, den Schwierigkeitsgrad und so weiter. Doch dann kamen seltsame Fragen. Man konnte für jeden Player das Geschlecht, das Erscheinungsbild und noch weitere seltsame Dinge eingeben. Jens und ich machten uns den Spaß und verpassten unseren Spielfiguren junge, weibliche, sexy Bodys. Ungefähr so, wie wir sie gerne als Freundinnen gehabt hätten. Als wir endlich alle Eingaben getätigt hatten, passierte etwas seltsames. Der Screen ordnete sich in vier Teile. In dreien waren süße Mädels zu sehn. Entweder alleine oder zu zweit. Im vierten sahen wir uns selbst. Dann blendete sich ein Text ein. Read more

Smile More

Eric had wanted to go into television, but he’d been told he didn’t have the temperament for it. “You need to smile more! Stop looking so grim. It depresses people” he was told. Read more

Double Standard

Tony, Ben and Connor had run into the same problem which had confronted many guys before them—-they needed fake IDs to get into the bar, and their’s…..weren’t up to the task. To make things much more annoying, many of their female classmates didn’t even get carded at the local bars. It was a double standard, and one which had them stumped. Read more

Staying Out of Trouble

It was all part of the deal my parents had made with me. “Stay out of trouble while we’re away at our conference for the week” they’d told me. Thing was, last time they’d left, I’d thrown a gigantic party—-not that they knew about it, of course, but the liquor cabinet had been quite depleted. And I had no intention of changing things up; grinning, I headed downstairs to take stock. Read more

becoming her mother pt1

I arrived at my girlfriends family house, to suprise my girlfriend Alex, who had been away for a week at a camp. i thought i would go to her house and suprise her when she walks in the door. Read more