Earlier today while grocery shopping, I had grabbed the lotion my wife had written down on the list. She said it really worked wonders for her, especially in the cold winter. Her skin did seem amazing after she started using it. She practically seemed like a new woman.
When I got home, I realized just how dry my own skin was. I did not have any lotion, so I absentmindedly just grabbed the new lotion I had bought for her. It really did tingle.
I was worn out from the morning of errands, so I laid down for an afternoon nap.
When I woke up, I realized that my whole body felt very different. “Holy Shit” I exclaimed. My body was no longer male. Just then I caught a whiff of the smell of the lotion. My brain instantly calmed down. “Whats wrong with being a beautiful woman”, I said to myself.
I turned on my webcam on my laptop to get a better look. I was gorgeous. I loved every inch of my new body.
I heard the front door open, and decided to greet my wife. I was looking forward to experimenting with this new body.
As I walked to the door, I walked past the lotion. I picked it I read the label: “Essence of Eve. Turning it around I read, “For Women Only- This lotion will help you to have the beautiful skin you have always wanted.”
Well I did have beautiful skin. Oh well, guess I should have read the label.