Tag Archives: Series

The Fall of The Secret Agency – Part 1

There was a group of men that would vandalize banks and steal from them on a weekly bases running through the city and our job was to stop them. These guys proved to be above the limit of trouble that the Police can handle, and so our secret services were hired for the job. As the founder and leader of the association, I ordered my men to gather some Intel and they did. The criminals were having an underground gambling night at a abandoned warehouse and I sent one of my best agents to enter and try and gather more information but when the doorbell of our HQ rang and we expected the agent to return, we answered, finding only a DVD on the doorstep. Read more

A swap party (Part 6)

So many things happened in this game. I am now my best friend’s girlfriend (and I even have her mannerisms), my girlfriend became a living wet dream to “me” (who was really Jess, my best friend’s girlfriend, stuck in my body, not remembering that she used to be a girl)… Read more

Paula’s Lesson Plan (Part 2)

The next student to get hit by Paula’s spell was Billy. Every class Billy used to remark about the size of Paula’s chest and she was sick of it. She decided to make sure he was hit hard by her spell. So when it took effect he went from annoying little white boy to an Asian woman with two massive breasts. Read more

Paula’s Lesson Plan (Part 1)

Paula was a teacher at the local high school, problem was she was a younger woman, fairly attractive as well this caused a problem with male students. All they did was hoot and holler at her, they were rude. What they didn’t know was that Paula was a witch so she decided to teach some of the ruder boys a lesson, she’d turn them into girls and see how they liked it when they were harassed all the time. She cast her spell on her targets but the results weren’t quite what she wanted… Read more

Non-Stop Live Porn 4

Dominik kam wieder zu sich. Er befand sich in einem großen Wohnzimmer. In einer Glasscheibe konnte er sein Spiegelbild sehen. Er war nicht mehr Yolanda. Seine Po war wieder kleiner und auch seine Haut war heller.
Da sah er aber seine Gesichtszüge. Er war keine Europäerin, dass konnte er sofort erkennen.
Sein Gesicht sah asiatisch aus. Er musste eine Japanerin oder Koreanerin geworden sein.
Er blickte an sich herunter. “Scheiße, die Titten sind ja riesig für eine Asiatin” dachte er. Read more

Non-Stop Live Porn 3

Dominik kam wieder zu sich. Er befand sich plötzlich draußen an einem Pool. Es war warm und roch nach Blumen. Er schaute sich um. Niemand war da. Nun blickte er an sich herunter. Read more

TG Virus in der Schule 2

“Ohh, dass ist also Dominik? ” fragte Anja Dominik`s Mutter erstaunt.

“Ja, dass ist er.” antwortete Dominik`s Mutter Sabrina. “Wir nennen ihn jetzt allerdings Dominica. Er……oder besser sie schämte sich am Anfang dafür, was mit ihr passiert ist. Deshalb versuchte sie es so lange wie möglich vor uns geheim zu halten. Leider infizierte sie dadurch noch andere Mitschüler.” Read more

Pornoschlampe Teil 1

“Ok, Genie. Danke, dass du mich in ein Mädchen verwandelt hast. Aber ich hatte doch etwas anderes im Kopf. Ich meine, ich sehe ja ganz süß aus. Aber ein Teeniemädchen zu sein, ist nicht ganz so meins. Irgentwie wäre ich doch lieber so eine Pornoschlampe. Also mit dicken Silikontitten, Tatoos und Piercings. Und natürlich einer extrem aktiven Libido” sagte Dominik. Read more

Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants (Part 4)

The next one of the girls’ brothers to change was Claire’s brother Chase. Claire set her trap by leaving her pair of enchanted pants in her brother’s room, when Chase got in later that day her found them on his bed, when he picked them up to put them back in his sister’s room it happened, his mind blanked out and his body moved on its own. He slipped out of his sweatpants and pulled the tight fabric of the Yoga Pants over his body. Read more