Tag Archives: mom

Penelope Pop

Harry was shocked when the Great Shift placed him in the body of an up and coming new pop singer named aptly enough Penelope Pop. It was more of a nickname, her real name was Penelope Majors, but her nickname was well known. Penelope had one hit single on the radio already, titled, ironically enough, “Shifted to a New Life”. Read more

Zod the demon

“Billy I’m just off to take a shower” Billy’s mom said to him poking her head around the door. She noticed Billy (13) sitting on his bedroom floor a bowl consisting of a weird red concoction in front of him. “Ah what are you doing this time?” She asked him making her way into the bedroom making sure to hold tightly to the dressing gown that was concealing her body. “Um it’s just some science experiment from school” Billy lied. Read more

Upload 7

It’s been a month since my sister increased the curse, so just about two months since I was forced to become this hot bombshell. For the past 30 days all I could wear were these sexy little clubbing dresses, even as I went out to do errands. It felt like I never left the club with all the stares and unwanted attention these breasts brought to me. I tried to be what my sister described as a ‘good girl’ for the last month, and apparently it worked. She downgraded the curse on the clothes, but not completely. I still can’t wear normal t-shirts and such, but at least they aren’t sexy little dresses. However, I still dread the fact that any clothes I have change into something sexy and girly each day. Read more

Upload 10

I know I’m supposed to be a guy, but I just don’t care! I know I’m supposed to be mad at my sister and mom, but I’m just not! Whatever my sister did to me before my last photo shoot she hasn’t undone yet, and it’s been almost an entire week. I’m well aware of my previous life but I’m just not mad or upset because of my sisters magic. Right now I love being a woman. I love the attention my body gets, especially my breasts. When I catch men or even women looking at my exposed cleavage it gives me chills. I was sitting in my room when my mom came in. I was just reading a magazine because since the incident I just had no interest in video games. Read more

Upload 8

Because the outfits I can wear are that much more skimpy and revealing, posting pictures online has become way more embarrassing. Sometimes, all of my breasts are covered and that’s kind of okay, but also there are other times when you can see almost everything. It feels so embarrassing to have to do this. It’s been a week since my last photo shoot with mom, and luckily I haven’t had to leave the house recently to do anything. Sadly, my mom just called me and that’s never good. Read more

Upload 2

It’s been a seven days since my sister turned me into a sexy girl. Besides the very obvious and already large breasts, what makes things worse is that my mom is totally okay with it. She thought it was great that she now had two daughters instead of a daughter and a son. She calls me Charlotte like my sister does and knows it bothers me. I was just about to upload another photo to Facebook when my mom stopped me. Read more

Schlimmer Zauber 1

Judith war wütend auf ihren Ex-Mann Martin. Erst ging er mit so einer jüngeren Bimbo Schlampe fremd und dann erhielt er auch noch das Sorgerecht für ihren gemeinsamen Sohn Dominik(15).
Judith wollte sich rächen. Eine Hexe gab ihr einen Zauberspruch, der ihren Mann in das verwandeln sollte, was er so begehrte. Blonde Silikon Schlampen. Read more

Losing Years, Not Prom Dates: Part Two (As request

As Marie got used to her new teenage self, she realized that her son would be home soon. And the thought of this drove her small body insane. Her tits flared, she swore she could feel a pulse in her tight, virgin pussy, and she started touching herself. And just as her son pulled into the driveway, she scurried to find clothes, but realized they’d be useless if her main intention was to get them off as soon as possible. Marie’s son enters the house, Read more

Schlimmer Zauber 2 (Alternatives Ende)

Judith lief zurück zu der Hexe, die ihr den Zauberspruch gab. Die Hexe erklärte ihr, dass es nicht möglich war, die alte Realität wieder herzustellen. Doch sie wollte Judith helfen. “Ich kann dir deinen Sohn zumindest wieder in deine Familie zurück holen” sagte sie. Judith willigte ein. Die Hexe sprach den Zauberspruch und die Realität änderte sich wieder.
Zuerst war sie schockiert, dass Dominik nicht wieder ihr Kind war. Nein, er war jetzt ihre jüngere Schwester Dominique. Dominique war 31 und schwanger. Der Vater war leider abgehauen, aber trotzdem freute sie sich sehr darüber, Mutter zu werden. Dominique ging förmlich in ihrer neuen Rolle auf. Judith sich nie träumen lassen, dass aus ihrem Sohn ihre ältere, schwangere Schwester wird und diese auch noch glücklich mit der Situation ist.
Es war sehr komisch, doch sie wollte nicht wieder zu der Hexe gehen. Ihre Racheversuche hatten genug durcheinander gebracht. Read more


“Mama, hilfe was passiert mit mir” rief Judith`s Sohn Dominik (14). “Wieso bin ich ein Mädchen und viel älter. Bitte Mama tu was. Ohh, hilfe. Mein Kopf tut so weh. Mama, ähh Judith. Wieso verändern sich mein Gedanken. Ohh, wieso fange ich an zu denken wie eine Frau. MAMA, HILFE. Ahhhh…… Wieso denke ich mein Name ist Marcia. Ich bin doch Dominik…..Ohh nein ich bin Marcia und 31 Jahre alt. Ich bin in Spanien aufgewachsen und lebe seit 10 Jahren in Alemania…ahh ich mein Deutschland. Und Judith ist meine beste Freundin.” Read more