Tag Archives: genderchange

Need to act quickly

Nick’s friends were very worried when he caugh the feminine virus. They’ve seen other boys at school infected with it and what it did to them. How they were starting to act girly and how their body was changing until they were no longer boys. Something has to be done. They didn’t want this to happen to their friend.
There was a way to stop the virus, but only a few people had succed. Somehow large dozens of masculinity were able to stop the feminization, you just need to stay manly and believe in yourself.
It was easier to say. Nick’s friends tried everything to make him feel like a man again but nothing seemed to work. He wasn’t even interested in their activities, instead he preferred to practice make up and chating with his new female friends. Nick’s feminization was progressing fast and soon there were first changes to his body. His friends were losing hope that they will ever see the old Nick again. They tried one last time and called for help Nick’s older brother Paul. Paul was a marine, and a tough one. If anyone could make Nick a man again it must be him. Paul agreed to help and took Nick to his house for a week. Read more

I’m in charge now

“What the hell did you do to my body!” David’s mom yeeled at him for turning her into a 5 year’s old boy. ” That’s not a way to speak to your mother” David reminded her. “You’re not my mother! you’re my 12 year’s old son. Just because you turned yourself into a grown woman dosen’t change anything, now change us back!” Karen demanded. ” It changes everything sweetie” David said with a smirk. “You can’t give me orders since i’m the mother now, so i suggest you begin to behave like good little boy or else you will get the worst spanking in your life” David became serious. Karen lowered her head “I’m sorry mom” She accepted her defeat, her childish mind couldn’t oppose David’s authority, he was the adult now. Read more

Not the only guy anymore

I was the only male nurse at my hospital, and that usually left me feeling out of place. So I was thrilled when the other nurses invited me to a party they were having. Maybe I’d hit it off with one of them and score a date. Read more

Strange events

“Crap, it wasn’t a dream after all. I really turned into a girl” Colin said feeling the long hair touching his smooth skin. It was so wierd for him to suddenly change to a girl overnight. He was worried if this is permament and if he could ever be a boy again. “Don’t panic Colin, there has to be a way out of this. Maybe mom will know something” He hoped to find comfort in her but soon he discovered that his mom was now a little boy. If this wasn’t enough, his younger brother was now an adult woman. “This can’t be real” colin was terrified. There was something really crazy going on with his family since they went back from their vacations and brought home the weird statue they found in a gift shop.

Puberty gone wrong

For all my friends, puberty was just a normall phase in their lives, but with my luck it was terrifying. While all my male friends were growing in height i seemed to stop, by the time i was the shortest among the boys. Sooner or later my friends were growing facial and body hair, mine, well the only hair growing was on my head and it was ridiculous how fast hey could grow, every time i cut them they would regrow to shoulder lenght in just a week. I stopped cutting them and just told my friends i like it long, just like the rock musicans i listened to. Read more

Lisas Spezialpillen

Schon kurz nachdem ich die Pille eingenommen hatte, spürte ich wie etwas geschah. Mein kompletter Körper fühlte sich warm an und ich verspürte eine leichte Erregung. Benommen ließ ich mich rückwärts auf mein Bett fallen. Meine Klamotten hatte ich vorher wie in den Hinweisen von Lisa beschrieben ausgezogen. Eine gute Freundin und Schulkameradin von mit hatte mir von einem Mittel erzählt, dass sie immer einnahm bevor sie… naja “es sich selbst machte”. Angeblich steigere es ihr sexuelles Empfinden und diesmal hab ich sie endlich rumgekriegt mir eine Probe dieser Wunderpillen mit zu bringen. Nach meiner letzten Trennung hatte ich ein wening Zeit mit mir und meinem besten Stück alleine bitter nötig und wieso das ganze nicht etwas aufpeppen…?
Bisher war ich vollkommen zufrieden mit dem Ergebniss. Dieses unglaubliche Gefühl durchtränkte meinen ganzen Körper und ich konnte fühlen wie es weiter anstieg. Ich nahm mein Glied in die Hand und wollte gerade loslegen, doch da veränderte sich das Gefühl. Nun fühle es sich an als ob mein Körper erschlaffte oder sich veränderte, aber nach einigen Sekunden war es verflogen und so auch das lustvolle Gefühl von davor. “Lisa hätte mir ruhig sagen können wie kurz die Dauer ist.”, murmelte ich in einer verdächtig erhöhten Tonlage. “Dann muss ich eben so dran.”
Bei den Nachwirkungen musste mir mein Penis aus der Hand geglitten sein, also führte ich meine Hand erneut in den Schritt um mein Werk zu vollenden. Aber sie griff ins Leere. Geschockt tastete ich zwischen meinen Schenkeln aber bis auf eine enge Öffnung war dort alles flach. Erst dann sah ich an mir herab und bemerkte erst das volle Ausmaß dieser ‘Nachwirkungen’: volle Brüste, zarte Kurven, makellose und glatte Haut, sowie ein knackiger runder Hintern und ein Satz neuer weiblicher Genitalien. Die Pillen hatten mein Geschlecht komplett umgewandelt. Ich war nun ein Mädchen.
In diesem Moment klingelte auf dem Nachtschränkchen neben meinem Bett mein Handy.
“Na sag schon, wie war es so mit meinen Spezialpillen.”, lachte mich Lisa durch den Lautsprechen an. Unsicher antwortete ich mit meiner neuen Mädchenstimme: “Sagen wir mal, du hättest mir dazu auch ruhig noch ein paar deiner Klamotten leihen können…”

Travel abroad

I was really excited about my upcoming vacations. I didn’t get paid very well at my job but i managed to save some money. It will be the first time in my life i visit a foregin country and i couldn’t stop thinking about it. When the day came i packed my stuff and took a taxi to the airport. Read more

Have fun at the wedding

“James you need to turn us back. This is messed up. You’re getting married tommorow” Frank pleaded. “What? Don’t you like it? I thought you always got a crush on my fiance” James said stepping out from the bathroom, adjusting his tight, red dress.
“This is not funny! You can’t do this besides how in the hell you were able to do this?” Frank never imagined that such things are possible. He was himself just yesterday and now somehow he was in his brother’s body while his brother James stood before him in the form of a very sexy woman.
James giggled and turned around, to show off his round butt “It’s my secret” He winked. “Ok. Look James, it’s been fun and all but now it’s time to get real” Frank said hoping it’s a joke. “You’re right. From now you should call me Jessica” He smiled. “That’s not what i mean” Frank said irritated. “Well but that’s how it is now. I’m Jessica and you’re James. You’re getting married to Rachel and if you don’t like it just dump her and find another girl. I’m going to find myself a handsome man” Jessica said slowly walking away. “Oh, and let me know how was the wedding. Farewel James” She send him a kiss and left. Frank stood there in his brothers body hearing only the clicking sound of Jessica’s heels.


The day me and my girlfriend, Natalie had to confess to her parents that i got her pregnant was probably the hardest day of my life. We often thought how to start the conversation so they won’t freak out, after all we were only 16 years old. The night before we told them i couldn’t sleep.
As i expected no matter what they will get pissed off, especially her dad. Natalie had to interrupt so he won’t beat the shit out of me. The situation calmed a bit but nothing could prepare me for what was going to happen next. Natalie’s parents decided to punish me. It turned out they both know magic and i was about to feel the consequences of getting their daughter pregnant. They casted a spell and my body started to change. I was soon looking like an exact copy of my girlfriend. That wasn’t all. They casted another spell. This time nothing happened expect of my new breasts feeling a little bit sore. It was later they told me that i was now pregnant instead of Natalie. Read more

Repaid debt

Kyle’s familly had financial problems recently so 18 years old boy tried his best to support his parents. But when the bank stopped to provide loans they had to find another source, not entirely legal. When they couldn’t return the borrowed money they’ve got an unannounced visit. A man with the company of his two bodyguards came to their house demanding his money back. Kyle’s father pleaded to give him more time but the man refused. Instead of money he wanted to take one of his family members. Afraid that one of his sisters or his mother would end up in a brothel or something Kyle volunteered. The man looked at him and nooded in aproval. Kyle was taken by his bodyguards to the car where one of them injected him with a strange substance causing him to pass out. Read more