Tag Archives: fates

Medallion of Zulo – Pregnant

Henry had invited Eric to his apartment for their usual bachelor night, playing video games, watching TV and drinking beer. Both of them were single and the company felt nice. Read more

Medallion of Zulo – Sister

Zack dumped his bike on the driveway to Adam´s house and ran up the path leading to his door. He knocked fervently on the big wooden door until Adam opened up and dragged him in. Read more

Medallion of Zulo – What comes around

I had become quite skilled in using the Medallion of Zulo. I knew the limitation with twelve hour recharge, its proficency to disappear and that unworn clothes can change specific bodyparts.
With it I had become multiple persons in my vicinity as well total strangers I only had seen a fleeting moment in a clothes shop. Read more

Altered Fates: Body Collector

What to say, I want some spice in my life.
When I found the medallion in the old box I didn´t know how lucky I was, but soon I found out what it did besides looking tacky. It could transform me into another people just by touching them or their clothing. I had found the fabled Medallion of Zulo. Touch a garment, feel the tingle and half an hour later you are a copy of them down to the smallest mole. Read more