Tag Archives: Ebony

Wereceleb Virus

Sebastian konnte sein Glück kaum fassen. Seine Freunde Dominik und Andre hatten sich mit dem Wereceleb Virus infiziert. Vor seinen Augen verwandelte sich Dominik in Shakira und Andre in Rihanna. Die Beiden lagen nun etwas erschöpft auf Sebastians Bett. Er merkte wie er plötzlich geil wurde. Allerdings wusste er, dass er durch Sex mit den Beiden sich auch infizieren würde. “Ach was soll`s, so eine Gelegenheit muss man nutzen” sagte er zu sich selbst und legte sich zu den beiden Popschönheiten. “Vielleicht wird aus mir ja beim nächsten Vollmond Katy Perry. Dann könnten wir den heißesten Dreier aller Zeiten machen” dachte Sebastian noch…………….

Mama’s Boy

“Damn man, your mom has some big tits, I just love them!” My friend Marcus said as he now inhabited my mothers body. I tried not to stare at her body as he stood next to me. “Let’s just focus on switching you two back.” I pleaded.
“Man, she’s gone remember she took off with my body and has not been back since we shifted last week.” I knew she wasn’t coming back but hearing Marcus say it didn’t make me feel better.
“What are you doing?!?” I shouted as Marcus started to undress
“I’m tired of wasting my days trying to switch back. I’m horny as hell and I’m going to get laid.” Marcus said matter of factly. He finished disrobing and put his hands on his hips and smiled. “Now either you are going to give it to me or I’ll walk out of this house butt naked and wander the streets until I find someone who will, whats it going to be?”
I didn’t know what to do but I definitely didn’t want the whole neighborhood seeing my naked mom and I could feel myself getting hard. I gulped and decided the lesser of two evils was to give a whole new meaning to the term mama’s boy.

Picking up His Son’s Phone (Part 1)

John was in the process of cleaning his house when he got to the bathroom. He noticed that his son had left his phone on the bathroom counter. He was picking it up when he noticed that an app was open, The Total Swap App, the description said that just by uploading a picture you could become a different person. Read more

Non-Stop Live Porn 3

Dominik kam wieder zu sich. Er befand sich plötzlich draußen an einem Pool. Es war warm und roch nach Blumen. Er schaute sich um. Niemand war da. Nun blickte er an sich herunter. Read more

The Shifted Smith Family (Part 2)

After the Great Shift Arther Smith was finally starting to get used to his new body. At 18 he was the oldest of five siblings, all of whom, along with their parents, had been shifted. He was just an average college freshman but after the shift he was now an adult African American woman. His family was all scrambled, he was now black, his dad was in his sister, his one brother was now their mom…it was all kinds of fucked up. Read more

Extra Dark Tanning Oil

Peter had gone to the beach looking to get a nice deep tan. He brought a new oil he hadn’t see before “Extra Dark” at a beach shack on the way down. He set up a chair, lathered himself up in oil and let the sun do its work on his skin. This time his tanning felt different, he just chalked it up to the heat. Read more