Tag Archives: babysitter

Babysitting turnabout

Jody was stunned and unable to speak. She was sitting on a sofa, in a weak 12 year old male body and couldn’t move a muscle, while watching her old body playing with her boobs.
Richy on the other hand was more than happy. After ripping of the top his babysitter had been wearing, he leaned forward and began to fondle the soft breasts with an mischievous smile on his now full lips, as he released his hands to let them dangling on his chest to taunt her. Read more

Babysitter Possession

“Hellooo?”, Elizabeth called out when she entered the Hendersons house. They had graciously granted her her own key which was handy when she was running late to babysitting Kyle. He was reasonably old now to take care of himself for a while but he still needed supervision.
“Hello, Kyle?”, she called out again. Wonder why he didn´t respond. Read more

Babysitter Cases Part 5

One of the more illusive cases is 14 year old, Kyle Morris. From what we have been told, Kyle had ordered a bodysuit online through his parent’s credit card. He was convinced to try one after his best friend dropped out of school saying ‘I have way more fun with a body suit than being in school’. Read more

Babysitter Cases Part 2

The second case that has been looked into revolves around 13 year old, Matthew Clarkson. According to his testimony, his father had invented a machine that enabled the swapping of consciousness. All the person had to do was find a way to strap the machine on the ‘victim’s’ head, as well as theirs, and press the button. Read more

Babysitter Cases Part 1

At the start of 2016, a small town was affected by the appearance of an odd series of events. Each of these events was related to a young boy and his babysitter, usually within the early teen-mid 20’s range. All these cases are sexual in nature and are currently under examination for mental changes. Read more