Rafael felt a little petulant as he stood there wearing a white dress and frilly lace things as his hair threatened to come undone.
“Tina, I mean look sis, I’ve stood here all day in your bra and panties and dress and stupid heels for your wedding. What more do you want from me? Can I get my body back now?” He didn’t want to sound like he was pleading.
“Hmm, there’s just one thing…your (well, my) new husband will want to exercise his marital rights. You’d better be ready tonight,” said Tina, flexing her pecs in her new body. “I used that spell for a reason: so that I won’t be just ‘giving myself’ to a man. You’d bragged about how you were a ladies’ man; well now you are a lady, man.”
Rafael was about to get an education in the hardships of women, and he wasn’t gonna get it in the nice way. Good luck, sir.