Inside the Lair

Morning, Agent Cole. You’re awake, I see. I’m rather impressed how early you’re up. Even in your current shape, your body metabolism must have processed all that sleeping gas you breathed in. And you had quite plenty.

Anyhow, while you were asleep, I took a liberty of turning you into a woman. Suit to my purpose you could say. Ah, no use trying to break free from that restraints. Even a dozen of elephants can’t break them. I’ve learned my lesson from our last engagement, you see.

Ah, ah, ah. And you’re not getting out of there until you’ve learned your lesson. By the end of it, you’ll be begging to serve me. Of course, my sycophants do not recommend this method. They say I shoot you in the head and be done with out. I say I make you my bride. Make love, not war, you know.

And you’ll caress me, kiss me, and fuck me… Hah! That’ll be the day, don’t you think? Well, actually, don’t think. I’ll teach you how to think. And let’s start with your name. Uh… Nicole, how about Nicole? I know, Cole’s your last name, but I think you’ll manage just fine.

So, Nicole. For your first period, you’ll learn the pleasures of woman. Hope you’re ready for this…. Well, what am I talking about. Ready or not, here we come!


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