Health class.

Jack sat at the back of the educational class trying to forget about the video of a woman giving birth that he had just been forced to watch with the other teenage boys that had become teenage girls thanks to the great shift.

He did not want to know about what his new body was capable of.

He did not want to know about the consequences of unprotected sex as he was never going to let a man between his legs especially after seeing that video.

As the teacher droned on about menstrual cycles and the changes your body goes through on them, birth control and a whole load of other women’s issues he did not want to learn about.

But now seeing he was a teenage girl he had no choice as it was new school policy for anybody swapping gender to attend the new health and sexual awareness programs especially with the alarming spike in men in women’s bodies getting pregnant due to the fact that they were not used to being able to get pregnant & the government thinking education was the best policy.


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