Michael had been spying on his neighbour Veronica ever since she’d moved in across the street. Being interested in astronomy was the perfect cover as he took in her curves and wished there were more windows at her house. His fantasies were fuelled by seeing so many lady visitors that he was certain she was a lesbian.
One day when shopping for lenses he was intrigued by a crystal. The shop owner claimed it could help you see into others souls. Michael couldn’t wait to see how this would help out with his peeping.
Set up at home he spied a new lady friend calling on Veronica who had even ampler curves. This was going to be a good night. But then all the blinds were closed and he couldn’t see in. Trying out the crystal Michael hoped it might somehow magically penetrate the blinds so he could see the action. He concentrated on Veronica when…
Michael was suddenly wet and in a tub with the new lady friend. He not only was seeing the action, but was part of it and it was a dream come true. Feeling his boobs floating in the water he couldn’t help but jiggle and giggle over them.
“Veronica, you’ve gotten so playful, but I bet my boobs can cause more waves than yours,” teased her friend.
Things continued from there as Michael enjoyed the new view of herself and hoped she would for a lot longer. The stars had nothing on tonight.