Any Bigger?
“I’m sorry, okay?” Andy said from his new body. His girlfriend, who he later found out was a witch, had caught him sneaking a peek at some other girl’s ass at the mall earlier that day.
“She was bending down, how was I supposed to NOT look? You know I’m an ass man!”
His girlfriend smirked. At least the first part of that was true, though the part about being a “man” was less so.
“Alright, fine,” she said calmly. “I’ll give you a nice big ass you can look at all you want.” She cast another spell at him. He pressed himself up against the wall, a warm sensation coursing through his rear.
“Wh-what’s going on?” he said, glancing back over his shoulder.
“I’m giving you what you’ve always wanted: a big ass to stare at 24/7.”
He stared at it as it continued to swell, his hips and thighs growing along with it.
Finally, thinking it had stopped, he (or, she) slapped a hand onto his newly ballooned butt. It wobbled slightly, sending waves through her thighs as well.
“I’ll have the biggest ass in town!” Andy shouted.
“Oh honey, we’re not done yet.” He felt another wave of warmth flow through his already huge ass, the growth starting again, and all he could do was watch…
(reupload of caption by @BigOnes)