‘Sonja Brooks. Sonja. Fucking. Brooks.’ Eddy couldn’t keep his hands off his new tits. He glanced in the rear view mirror. ‘Does this car go any faster? It’s worth double the tip.’
Ashok put his foot down on the accelerator and tried his hardest to ignore his passenger. He had had a lot of fares in this job, but none had ever compared to this. He wondered if she could see he was sweating. Why did she keep murmuring that name?
Eddy licked his lips as he pushed his cleavage together, feeling his chest jump as the taxi swerved between traffic. He didn’t give a flying fuck if the taxi driver stared at him. He had Sonja fucking Brooks’s tits in his hands and he was not about to ignore them. His eyes flicked to the mirror again. She didn’t see him get in the cab. did she? She was probably still knocked out. He had downed enough tranq before reciting the spell to knock out a horse. By the time she came to and noticed her new body, Eddy would be 30,000 feet above the ground and on his way to a new life in a flawless body.
The car jumped as Ashok nearly mounted the curb at the airport drop-off. Eddy smirked. ‘Ashok, is it? You know, I don’t know if I have the cash to pay you. Can you think of anything else you might want?’