The Fate of Ser Ferentus the Fierce

Long ago, in some far away medieval land, Ser Ferentus the Fierce was a violent knight of the realm, who had conquered much of the land for the King, and enslaved many an enemy soldier or peasant and damned them to a life of slavery and serfdom. The enemy forces were at a loss for what to do. They couldn’t oppose the barbaric knight; for he was like an army by himself. Nor could they compromise with the warrior, for he was a devout loyalist for the king. At a loss for options, they consulted the great sorcerer Derius, to take down this monstrous knight.
Derius spent weeks learning about Ser Ferentus, and discovered that the knight had a fat al weakness: women. The man frequented many whorehouses, spending many hours of the day with the most beautiful of courtesans, and Derius decided that this would be how he destroy Ser Ferentus the Fierce.
Derius disguised himself as a woman, and when Ferentus next visited the whorehouse after a great and savage battle, he instantly fell in love with the transformed Derius. Derius had become everything he ever desired in a woman; a beautiful slutty redhead who could make men erect with a mere glance. Ferentus knew he must have her, and ‘seduced’ the arcane sorcerer that night, wooing Derius until he could have sex with the lustrous maiden.
After they had done the act, Ferentus stood up, and began donning his armour once more, while Derius stood up, smiling, and kissed the knights chest. However, that kiss was not as innocent as iyt seemed. In a mere instant, everything changed. Derius became male, wearing the garb of a military commander, replacing the position that Ferentus had once had. While Ferentus became a nlithe and beautiful maiden, one that would only crave one thing- a man’s big, bulging cock! As Derius drew his head away from her teats, smiling, Ferentus’ mouth opened in a wide ‘O’ shape, utterly shocked, and as if by instinct, covered her breasts.
“What hast thou done to me, knave!” The once masculine knight cried, covering her new breasts, “I be a strumpet!”
“Yes. Thou art a strumpet; the one that thou lust desired!” The sorcerer chuckled, leaving the sobbing warrior to his fate.
Over the next few months, the Resistance took many a stronghold from the King, his knights and forces no longer as effective as before, especially with Derius in command. While the maiden that was once Ser Ferentus the Fierce accepted her new role, growing to love the feelings of womanhood, and the maiden was just as ferious with the men she would have once called the enemy as the warrior would have been on the battlefield…


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