Tag Archives: @werewoman

Still Have Power

Being the CEO of a business I started after college changed me. I wielded an immense amount of power. All my employees looked up to me and at the same time were afraid to screw up, after all I had been known to fire someone on the spot for this. I thought I was invincible which is why I went home with that woman I met at the grocery store. She got me to go down to her basement and somehow overpowered me. She tied me up to a bed, cut my clothes off, and then bit me on my inner thigh! Read more


I’ve been a werewoman for several months now, ever since I slept with one and inherited the curse. Every month on the fool moon I go through a painful transformation wherein not only my body shifts and melts into a woman’s, but my mind does too. On those nights I’m not Kevin the office intern trying to get a job, but rather Kelly the party slut. I usually don’t remember much of what I do when I’m Kelly, only that I am guy-crazy. More than once I’ve had to sneak out of a guys apartment in the morning after I changed back. Read more


“Tut mir Leid Dominik, aber es ist zu deinem Besten. Nun guck mich nicht so an. Ich kann auch nichts dafür, dass du dich mit dem Werewomanfluch infiziert hast. Aber ich kann es nicht zulassen, dass die weitere Menschen infizierst. Es ist schon schlimm genug, dass dein Schulfreund Florian und dein Onkel Hans jetzt dank dir auch Werewoman sind. Bis wir einen Weg gefunden haben den Fluch zu brechen, bleibst du am Vollmond in deinem Zimmer. Und die Fesseln bleiben auch dran, schließlich wolltest du letzten Vollmond sogar deinen Vater anstecken.” sagte Birgit (36) zu ihrem Sohn Dominik (16) der sich vor einiger Zeit mit dem Werewoman Fluch infiziert hatte.

Geschenk für Papa

“Hi Papa, jetzt kennst du mein Geheimnis. Ich bin ein Werewoman, schon seit längerer Zeit. Am Anfang war es ein Fluch, aber jetzt liebe ich es. Jeden Vollmond verführe ich ein paar Männer und gebe ihnen damit auch dieses Geschenk. Komm Papa, ich möchte das du es auch erleben kannst. Lass mich heute Nachte deine kleine Schlampe seien. Du wirst es nicht bereuen, ich verspreche es dir. Komm schon, du willst es doch. Ich sehe doch die Beule in deiner Hose. Ja so ist es gut, zieh deine Hose aus. Warte bis zum nächsten Vollmond, dann wirst du auch eine von uns sein. Und nun komm her. Schieb deinen Schwanz in meine Muschi…..”

Full moon

I can’t believe it was ten years ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday. It was during the night, a full moon lit up her face when I met her. Her name was Heather. It felt like it was love at first sight. We went to her place, and had sex for hours, I even licked her wet pussy. Afterwards, we passed out. In the morning, Heather was gone. I got dressed, and left her a note. As I was about to leave her home, I saw a man in the kitchen, “Hello, I am John. You must be her brother” I told him. “Yes. you must be wondering where Heather went… she went out for work, but asked me to tell you had a great time” he said. I said goodbye and left. Read more

Werewoman Transformation

Ohh ja, gleich ist es wieder so weit. Ich liebe es inzwischen ein Werewoman zu sein. Ohh jaaaa. Meine Verwandlung ist gleich vollendet. Als letztes werden mir wieder meine riesen Titten wachsen. Ohh, da kommen sie auch schon. Jaaaaa, das Gefühl ist besser als jeder Orgasmus. So Welt, Mandy ist wieder da. Auf gehts, ich werde mir jetzt einen schönen Typ suchen und ihn durch Sex auch in ein Werewoman verwandeln. Jeden Vollmond werden es mehr von uns….

A Werewoman’s First Meal

The transformation is an equal mix of pain and pleasure, but I have come to relish it. My cock hardens at the sight of the full moon, and freeing it from any clothing I have on is always my first response. I sometimes leave my shirt on because I love the feeling of my new tits bursting apart the buttons, but usually it’s more sensible to strip completely. Read more

I’m an idiot

There was nothing I used to enjoy more than gaming women in bars – hit as many as possible and you get a certain return rate. I had some standard pick-ups and a great line in negging. Basically, I was a full on douchebag. Read more

Freckles can spread

The first freckles appeared on Freddie’s left hand. He wasn’t that worried, even though his skin was normally even – he had been out in the sun a little more than usual. But when he noticed his hand had become more slender, he became concerned. As his other hand and arms began to freckle up and become thinner, he made appointments with dermatologists and specialists in cancer. No-one could give advice; it was unprecedented. Freddie withdrew, stopping indoors. Read more

True Bimbo

Paul, slipping into middle age, was constantly frustrated by his bimbo daughter Daisy. How could someone be so silly, so spoilt, so ignorant? Daisy insisted that tried, but things were hard for her, and that she couldn’t stop thinking about boys. Read more