Tag Archives: temporary

Lost The Fight, Girl For a Night

This dress is so slutty I can’t believe this. How could I lose? It was a sure thing. A greatly safe bet. But no… it wasn’t. Now I’m stuck here with tits and I’m lacking a dick. Everything feels so wrong. I have long hair for crying out loud and my face is buried in make up and I’m wearing a dress. Not too mention how slutty the dress is. My breasts are on display to the entire western world. It makes me sicklong nails adorn my fingers and there’s no obstacle between my two legs. My two hairless legs. I can’t wait for tonight to be over.

Me Again

You’d be surprised. I know I was. When I was told it was governement regulation to become a girl for six months and it was my turn I was dissapointed but I was also accepting. After all, everyone had to do it.
What surprised me was how it felt. I assumed as well as most that the biggest difference would be having nothing between your legs and in turn having a vagina and sitting to pee. If it wasn’t that I’d presumed the long hair or breasts. But it wasn’t. Not at all.
Women are built differently to men. Well, we all know that. Particually out back though. Men don’t have hips and rears like women. That was what I found to be the biggest difference. I have two huge jelly-like cushions hanging off my rear with a crack to seperate. They’re unreal. My ass bounces, jiggles and wiggles as I walk. Step by step. When I sit it is a couple comforting pillows making me feel great.
To be honest, I’m upset. It’s upsetting that I have to give my ass and the rest of my body away. It’s a shame I have to be me again.

Month of Fun

They were all so excited. They got to be women for a whole month. They loved being able to look down and see breasts and cram their fingers into their starving vaginas. However, as with most good things in life there’s a catch. They have to act like women. Make up, skirts and heels are all absolute requirements. But none of they mind it just adds to the sexiness of it all. Read more

Two and a Half Months

Ralph and Jennifer were still coming to grips with the fact that they’d swapped bodies with their parents. Neither had been exemplary teenage children that year and their parents decided to punish them by swapping their bodies and leaving them in theirs while they both went to spend a youthful summer as councilors at a summer camp. What Ralph and Jennifer didn’t understand was why Ralph was now their mother Donna and Jennifer was now their father Mike. “Because it’s funny.” Their mother said, before the two parents left, leaving the new adults alone at home for two and a half months. Read more

TG Camp

Tg camp is a real character builder. Businesses and schools use it so people can appreciate how the other half live.
Roger, Norman and Harry were loving it at first. They embraced being able to look down and see boobs and have great orgasms. But it soon grew old.
They only had really feminine clothes and they all despised wearing them. This lead to lack of clothing and feeling cold. And there is only so many times you can squat to pee. They all can’t wait until they can go home and be male again.

Grand Theft Hacker

Endlich hatte ich genug Geld gespart um mir eine HDVR Konsole zu kaufen.
Sie war jetzt schon fast ein Jahr auf den Markt zukaufen und die Fehler der Testversionen wurden behoben, es wurden nie mehr ein Fehle gemeldet wo ein Spieler durch die Konsole Körperlich veränder wurde.
Ich bestellte mir also sofort ein HDVR Konsolen Paket.
Das Paket bestand aus der Konsole und den neuen GTA-VR spiel.
Das Paket kam gleich am Nächsten Tag.
Ich baute die Konsole so schnell wie möglich auf.
Digitalisrte mich sofort und fing an mir einen Acount zu erstellen damit ich in die VR von GTA kann.
Zuerst musste ich meinen Charakter erstellen.
Weil ich schnell spielen wollte veränderte ich meinen Körperbau nicht.
Ich muste mir jetzt nur noch schnell ein Outfitt auswählen.
Nach kurzem überlegen nahm ich ein Straßenkampf Outfitt, mit einem schwarzem T-Shirt, einer Tarnhose, schwarzen Kampfstiefeln und einen Pistolenholster für meine erste Waffe.
Nachdem das erledigt war könnte ich endlich Spielen.
Die Spiel Welt wirkte sehr real auf mich. Read more

(GTH 2)-New Game Rules

I still can not believe it.
A moment ago, I was still a guy who wanted to rob a different player namend Shadow in the VR world of GTA. And now I’m just a woman who has to obey the other player so he does not do anything worse that could affect the real world. Read more

(GTH 2)-Neue Spielregeln

Ich kann es immernoch nicht glauben.
Vor einem Augenblick war ich noch ein Typ, der einnen andern Spieler namens Shadow in der VR Welt von GTA ausrauben wollte. Und jetzt bin ich nur noch einne Frau die dem andern Spieler gehorchen muss damit er nichts schlimmeres macht was sich auf die Reale Welt auswirken könnte. Read more

Let Me Be Your Daughter For A Little While

“Oh, come on Mum can’t we go home now?”
“Why, Christine darling we are having a beautifully extravagant time?” Explained Rhonda (left).
“I’m Christian Mum and a boy remember” argued Christine/Christian (right).
“Not at the moment you’re not. You’re my beautiful little girl, boobs and vagina and all” smiled Rhonda.
“But it’s so strange walking in public as a girl especially in these tight pants. I look like a slut”
“How can it be strange? I’ve done it all my life. And those pants don’t make you look slutty, you are wearing them for comfort and plus they make your booty look great” persisted Rhonda.
“When do I change back to a boy?” Quizzed Christine/Christian.
“Christine, my dear, why would you change back? As a woman people pay attention to you. Especially when you look as sexy as you do. Plus, don’t you love having no junk in between your legs so you can where clothes like this and don’t have to be concerned about squashing things” debated Rhonda.
“I have found it a bit more comfortable” she admitted.
“I’m not surprised with a magnificent ass like yours when you sit it would be like a cushion. A plump juicy sexy cushion” Rhonda was beginning to win her son over to remaining as her daughter.
“And it is fun having boobs. That’s for sure” laughed Christine/Christian.
“Well Christian, do you want to stay like this for a little while longer just to try it out?”
“Mum, don’t be so silly, call me Christine. Let me be your daughter for a little while.”


Oh my god! There is nothing between my legs. My thighs are separated by thin air and my two thighs may never make contact.
I knew that there would be nothing there once I changed but wow. I know the witch said it was only for a week but wow. All I can really say is wow.