Tag Archives: Shapeshift

Asiaq’s Curse

As it turns out, there are many things passed down through blood other than genetics. If one’s family was the disrespectful sort (especially when it came to spurned deities) one might incur wrath of some long forgotten god and have a blood curse placed upon one’s entire bloodline. When Richard Mann accidentally desecrated an ancient Inuit burial ground, for example, he doomed every second son in his bloodline to a curse from the rain goddess Asiaq. Since it was manly pride that led to Mann’s callous disregard for the dead, it was manhood that Asiaq would take from him: whenever rain touched the cursed one’s skin, he would become a woman until rain touched it once again. Read more

What happens in Vegas…

‘No fuuucccking way! Your tits are way better than mine!’, Paul groaned.
‘Haha they’re pretty good aren’t they? I took ages trying to get em right on the machine,’ Sam laughed, hefting one of them with his other hand. ‘Can I feel yours, Noah?’
‘Hey! It’s Hailey now! No male names this weekend, alright? This is a bachelorette party now, not a bachelor party!’
Randy didn’t know who grope next. ‘Duude, I can’t believe I was so against this idea before. Look how fucking sexy we are!’
Noah grinned. ‘You think boobs are good? Wait til you see what your snatch feels like!’

Something Special

It was an important part of our plan. We needed to lure Jessica away from the others, and given her reputation it came as no surprise that seduction was our method of choice. Read more

Night transformation

Steven has the gift to be a shapshifter and enjoy it every time he can to prank his friends, in the shap of stars or sexy girls, or just to make his live more exiting in everyday practices. The only problem was that he can’t control his powers at night and so it often happens that he have to make his way to the frige in the morning as old man or little kids that he seen the day befor. Today was one of the better mornings as he awake in the shape of that teen his eyes feel on at the mall, so he think it has time to take control over his form and just start in the day.

Shape Shifting for Good

When I discovered that I was a shapeshifter, I promised myself that I would use my powers for good and to make people’s lives better. Since then, I’ve used my power to turn myself into a teacher and pass someone who just barely failed a class and other good deeds like that, but I never thought I would use them like I did a week ago. Read more

If only you knew

“Oh Cynthia, how I’ve always dreamed to have your soft Lips pressed against my own,” William moaned, the sight of his naked body in the mirror making him incredibly wet. The 32 year old shapeshifter was wearing the form of his next door neighbor, the girl he’d been pining for over a year and a half. Cynthia didn’t want anything to do with the
loverly-obese man. This broke his heart but he used his new powers to assume her body shape in the privacy of his own home, exploring every inch of her gorgeous frame. “lf you want nothing to do with me at least I can do anything I want with this hot body of yours. Oh Cynthia, if
You only knew what I was doing with it…”

Low on Cash

Cash was tight, but what else was new? Tom’s criminal record made it hard for him to hold down a job, and there were only so many times the sperm bank would allow paid donations. There had to be some other way for him to make money. Read more