Tag Archives: mother

Son’s first birthday

Aron knew something is wrong when he woke up on the couch in an unfamiliar apartament. Everything felt out of place especially his body. The teenage boy almost had a panic attack when he found out he is now an adult woman.He was so confused that it took him a few minutes until he noticed that there is a baby crying. He followed the noise and found a little baby just about few days old. He tried to calm it but nothing worked. After a dozen of failed efforts Aron noticed his breasts were all swollen. “Here goes nothing” Aron sighted revealing one of his breasts and put it into it’s mouth.
It worked. The baby calmed down after feeding it. Later when he put the baby back to sleep he used this occasion to search around the house for some clues of who is this person. Her name was Samantha Jones. She was a 30 years old single mother who just few days ago gave birth to her son Martin. Aron didn’t have any idea how to get back his body so he had to go along with this life. It was tougher than he imagined. A life of a working woman raising a baby was to much for a 16 years old boy. Hard time at work and sleepless nights were exhausting him, but he couldn’t leave the baby, little Martin didn’t do anything wrong to deserve a life without a mother.
Eventually Aron was getting better at this. He got used to a woman’s body and started to care about her son. Either by his hormones or all the bonding time he accpeted Martin as his own son and himself as a mother. Read more

A lesson to be learned

Olivia nonchalantly handed over her end of term grade sheet to her mother and wait for her to be shocked, then angry and finally sort it all out for her. Unexpectedly Grace didn’t look surprised or angry, she cooked an eyebrow “I told you at the start of the year that I wasn’t going to fix your grades any more, that if your grades weren’t good enough I’d punish you”. Read more

Great Shift Valentine

The Great Shift put Al in his mother body and his friend Tom in a young hunk body. Days after Tom noticed some changes in his friend: he started dressing more and more like a woman, wearing skirt, walking with heels without problems and when they met he kisses on the cheeks and when he hugs him he press his new boobs on his body. When Tom pointed out to him his changes he responded “Well it’s true but since we cannot do anything about the great shift, i started accept my body and… i started like it, my mom’s body is very hot for her age… don’t you think I’m pretty? your body too… now that I’m a woman i start to change my mind on something…” Tom always had a crush over his friend’s mom so took the occasion of the great shift to ask his friend to go out on a date for Valentine’s day. Surprisingly Al accepted. So on Valentine’s day before leaving the house Tom saw the looks Al was sending and the sexy way he was dresssed make Tom understood about what Al changed his mind. Leaving the house Tom decided to test it and grabbed his friend’s ass, AL turn back and smiling said “not now big boy, you will do everything you want with my body but first i want a romantic dinner and if the date will be wonderful I’ll give you a special gift” Al took Tom’s hand and put his finger in his mouth and sucked it. Then they went on the date.

Three Generations of Beauty

My mother (middle) had always wanted a daughter. She would constantly go on about how great it would be to be a third generation of blonde beauties. The first generation being my Grandmother (left). She had a few serious conversations with Dad about making it happen. This made Dad furious and he walked out on the family.
I didn’t want to be a girl. No way. I was a boy. However with Dad absent Mom had the opportunity. She dragged me into the TG Clinic to become her daughter. I came out as a young healthy blonde (right). Mom and Grandma were wrapped with the results. They had a beautiful young girl to carry on the tradition. I hated my new body. Being a girl wasn’t easy. However, soon I loved. There a few things better than feeling a part of and included in the family. I am the envy of many. I can now sit however I please due to my lack of genitals, however, we must keep it lady like of course.
I feel bad for fighting the change because really it is the best thing to ever happen to me.


“Wow, es hat funktioniert, ich bin wieder jung. Die Maschine hat funktioniert.” Merle war 40 und hatte Probleme mit dem älter werden. Durch Zufall hörte sie von einer Maschine, die ihr die Jungend wieder geben konnte. Allerdings brauchte sie dafür jemand der mit ihr genetisch verwandt war und wesentlich jünger war als sie. Da kam sie auf ihren Sohn Dominik (18). Sie wusste, dass Dominik insgeheim davon träumte, eine Frau zu sein. Sie konnte ihn übereden, mit ihr in die Maschine zu steigen. Sie würde Merle`s Körper mit Dominik`s verschmelzen. Dadurch sollte eine junge Version von Merle enstehen. Merle und ihr Sohn sollten sich dann den neuen Körper teilen. Die Vorstellung war zwar sehr Seltsam, doch beide waren neugierig und taten es. Beide waren sehr glücklich mit dem Ergebnis. Aus Merle und Dominik wurde Mandy. Am Anfang existierten noch zwei Persönlichkeiten in Mandy`s neuem, jungen Körper, doch mit der verschmolzen auch die Persönlichkeiten miteinander. Merle und Dominik waren Geschichte. Es gab nur noch Mandy…..

Wunsch mit Folgen

Dominik`s (16) Mutter Judith war vor einem Jahr gestorben und er vermisste sie sehr. Als er eines Abends eine Sternschnuppe sah, wünschte er sich, das seine Mutter wieder bei ihm wäre. Kurz darauf verwandelte sich sein Körper in den seiner Mutter. Im selben Moment kam sein Vater Jörg ins Zimmer und sah seine verstorbene Frau Judith, die im nun sagte, dass sie doch eigentlich sein Sohn Dominik sei. Beide waren erst sehr durcheinander, aber irgentwie war eine Magie zwischen den Beiden, so dass sie kurz darauf Sex hatten.Am nächsten Morgen lag Dominik, jetzt Judith glücklich im Bett von Jörg, der ja eigentlich ihr Vater war. Die Nacht war der Wahnsinn und sie wollte nie wieder Jörg`s Sohn sein. Nein, sie war jetzt seine Frau…


Jürgen war Wissenschaftler und hatte eine Maschine erfunden, die die Körper von Menschen vertauschen konnte. Als Versuchskaninchen benutzte er seine Frau Birgit und seinen Sohn Dominik. Doch die Maschine arbeitete nicht richtig und Judith`s (38) und Dominik`s (16) Körper verschmolzen miteinander. Das Ergebnis war ein Shemale, dass das Aussehen von Judith mit etwa 25 hatte, aber Dominik`s Penis. Und es hatte Dominik`s Erinnerungen und seine Persönlichkeit . Jürgen versuchte sofort einen Weg zu finden, das Missgeschick rückgängig zu machen, doch als er den neuen Dominik dabei sah, wie er an sich herum spielte, packte ihn die Neugier. Er hatte schon immer insgeheim davon geträumt, Sex mit einem Shemale zu haben. Auch wenn es der Penis und der Charakter seines Sohnes war, der Körper war ja größtenteils von seiner Frau. Also war es so schlimm nicht.
Langsam öffnete er seine Hose und ging auf das Shemale zu. Dominik wusste nichtz warum er beim Anblick seines Vaters einen Steifen kriegte. Warscheinlich hatte er die Hormone seiner Mutter……

The Vegas Trip

My buddies Randy and Brian decided to head to Vegas for a week. We got a good deal and since we figured we’d be in the bars and casinos we would just split one larger room with double beds and alternate who gets the couch.
“This is going to be awesome Carlos.” They both shouted in unison as we got to the hotel. After we checked in I asked “How about hitting the casino floor for an hour or so?” “Blackjack!” They both exclaimed. “Jinx… high five.” They laughed. It went on like that and at dinner too. When we got back to the room I asked them if they just shared one brain as a joke. “We do think alike” admitted Randy. “Wouldn’t it be awesome if we were related?” Brian asked. “That would be so cool if we were like family.” Randy agreed. “What about Carlos?” Brian inquired. “Nah, he’s not in tune with us, sorry bro.” Randy declared. “That’s alright, I’d probably kill you at Thanksgiving so better off keeping me out of it.” I responded.
They kept going on and on about how cool it would be so I decided to head down to the casino, and maybe have a few drinks to calm myself. We still had six days here and I figured they were just over excited. When I got back to the room there were two naked women there. “Great, they hired hookers.” I mumbled sarcastically.
“Oh, Carlos dear, glad you came back. We were getting lonely without you. Isn’t that right Brianna?” The older one taunted. “Sure is mommy. I thought Carlos was supposed to make me a woman tonight.” The young one responded with a smile. This had to be a prank. I looked around the room figuring my buddies were hiding and ready to jump out laughing. Even their luggage was gone and replaced with twice as many pink and purple bags.
“If you are looking for condoms, don’t bother. I’ve been tied and I can’t wait for grandchildren.” She said. I kept looking and found their ID. Rachel Hunter, 37 and Brianna Hunter 18, same address as my buddies. My address too since we rented the house together. This was really odd. They started doing a little dance together. I was so confused so I called another friend back home. “Hey Nick, it’s Carlos. Have Randy or Brian called you?” “Who?” Nick asked. “My roommates dude.” I prodded. “You mean that fox Rachel and her smoking daughter? Man, no idea how you landed that. Which one is your girlfriend again? They both seem all over you when I’m there…” I hung up on him.
“What the Hell, I’m in Vegas. May as well enjoy it.” I exclaimed. “Yay!” they both gleefully jumped up and down. “You know, after this we should go get you and Carlos married. Then we truly can be a family. As long as you don’t mind sharing him with me.” Rachel planned. “Oh my goodness yes, mommy. We share everything why would we let a man stop that, you’re totally my BFF, plus you have so many tricks to teach in bed.” Brianna giggled. I decided to take a picture and they posed by the window for me, then I waved them both to me. We never really made it out to see the shows and gamble. We just fucked all week long, save those few hours it took to go get a shotgun wedding. When we came home it continued and I was glad that this was one story that didn’t just stay in Vegas.

Tough life for a witch single mother

As a 16 year old boy, Ryan was of course very excited when the bombshell Cassandra moved in next door. She was in her twenties and single and without a doubt one of the hottest women Ryan had ever seen. Read more

Tough life for a witch single mother

As a 16 year old boy, Ryan was of course very excited when the bombshell Cassandra moved in next door. She was in her twenties and single and without a doubt one of the hottest women Ryan had ever seen. Read more