Tag Archives: @kronostar

Improved College Experience

Sorry about accidentally splashing you. I had no idea the formula would turn you into a girl. I’ll do my best to come up with an antidote, but I’ve no idea how even this one worked. Read more

Target marketing

I didn’t think Target would take things so seriously with the backlash on their transgender washroom policy. I’d decided to take advantage and take some pervy pics as I sauntered in. I saw there were notices everywhere, but I didn’t read the fine print.
Seems they’d contracted out to an agency that would magically convert male trespassers like myself into women. It had the added benefit of boosting their consumer base as most shoppers are women and the new woman would need a new wardrobe after all.
So check me out in my new dress and I’m so happy to do all of my shopping at Target.

Mature Relaxing

A: I can’t believe you’re wearing your Mom’s swim suit. This is a chance for us to unwind and not be squeezed into women’s clothes.
B: It just didn’t feel right, plus I didn’t want my boobs swaying and bobbing around like yours.
C: Whatever, it feels kind of nice to let them loose. I couldn’t believe what a difference a bra makes, but after several hours I just wanted to let them hang loose. I should suggest my mother do this more often it’d do her good to relax.
A: Hopefully our Mom’s aren’t relaxing too much. We need them to ace our final exams today.
D: I still can’t get over the look on their faces when we pulled off this body swap and they had to go to school in our place. Might have to swap again if I ever fall behind though I can’t wait to get back to my young body. I get so tired so easily and it’s just weird being so short and weak. Not to mention using the bathroom as her.
C: Yeah, that was so weird figuring out how peeing would work. I am going to be so appreciative of standing to pee when we go off to summer camp. Squatting would suck.
B: So did any one experiment..?
All: Ew gross, it’s our mom’s body.
A: This is just a temporary swap to help our grades. Plus think how nice our Mom’s will be now that they know we can do this.
B: Well, my father came home for lunch and wanted a quickie. I didn’t know what to do so I just went along with it. And it was amazing!
D: Gross, and the rule was no funny business. You better hope that doesn’t mess up the swap back.
B: Yeah, I hope…

Illegal Immigration as Myself

Here’s my first hurdle to getting back home and of course I get a chick so this thin top won’t do me too much good. Hopefully, I’ll get an ogler when I go through the final customs check when I arrive home. Read more

College Opportunities

Sorry about accidentally splashing you. I had no idea the formula would turn you into a girl. I’ll do my best to come up with an antidote, but I’ve no idea how even this one worked. Read more

Fun in the tub

Michael had been spying on his neighbour Veronica ever since she’d moved in across the street. Being interested in astronomy was the perfect cover as he took in her curves and wished there were more windows at her house. His fantasies were fuelled by seeing so many lady visitors that he was certain she was a lesbian.
One day when shopping for lenses he was intrigued by a crystal. The shop owner claimed it could help you see into others souls. Michael couldn’t wait to see how this would help out with his peeping.
Set up at home he spied a new lady friend calling on Veronica who had even ampler curves. This was going to be a good night. But then all the blinds were closed and he couldn’t see in. Trying out the crystal Michael hoped it might somehow magically penetrate the blinds so he could see the action. He concentrated on Veronica when…
Michael was suddenly wet and in a tub with the new lady friend. He not only was seeing the action, but was part of it and it was a dream come true. Feeling his boobs floating in the water he couldn’t help but jiggle and giggle over them.
“Veronica, you’ve gotten so playful, but I bet my boobs can cause more waves than yours,” teased her friend.
Things continued from there as Michael enjoyed the new view of herself and hoped she would for a lot longer. The stars had nothing on tonight.

Day out as the Girl Friend

Well Dianna, I could get used to this view, but now I need a mirror to appreciate it. I hope it’s obvious that I was going out with you for your body as it certainly wasn’t your home body personality. How was I expected to show off my curvy girl friend if all you wanted to do was stay home and watch netflix. You know something is wrong when your boyfriend is begging you to go shopping.
This isn’t what I had in mind when I complained to the guy in the bathrobe about our relationship and the things I wished you would do. But hey now I’m going to be the one to do them as you. It’s time for a whole new wardrobe and I’m going to start with a proper bra fitting and some foundation garments. You were not doing your boobs any favours smashing them into those cheap bras and now it is up to me to treat my girls right. I’m going to get all dolled up to go to that club you never wanted us to go to.
And in case it isn’t obvious, we’re breaking up. I have a feeling I’m going to get lucky as you by the time I’m done tonight.