Tag Archives: FTM

The fourth date

It was the fourth date with Liz since i met her. All went well and i have planned to invited her home this night. I was also a little bit stressed because she told me she was really hard to pleased in sex, so i have to man up. With no surprises she agreed to go home and we began to make out. She haven’t lied, she was a tigress in bed and it was hard for me to follow. I tryed my best but after ten minutes of pure exctasy, i cracked and released my load. It was the best i could do but she seem not satisfied at all. “Is it the best you can do? I haven’t have an orgasm! Ok, i will have to do this myself.” she said to me. I thought she was implying masturbation but instead she waved her hand to me and i felt my body quickly change in shape. In an instant i was no longer a man. A quick glance to the mirror attended to the bed confirmed me i was now a feminine verion of myself with long brown hair, a cute face and generous breasts and buttocks. I turned to Liz and saw a man who strangely looked like Liz and realised the same gender swap had happen to her. Liz kissed my feminine lips and began her work on my body. And god, she was good at this. I almost forgot a man was touching me and let me go. In a few minutes i was on my knee with Liz digging in my pussy with her cock from behind. And the worst was i enjyd myself being fucked like that. When she released her blow in me i experienced the most incredible orgasm i had felt in my life. I collapse on the bed, in extasy, unable to move. “Ah i hope it felt as good for you that it was for me” said Liz with her voice changing from man to woman. I watch her returning to her original sexy form and lie down beside me on the bed. “It felt amazing” i managed to say, but as i looked at my still feminine body i ask, “when did i go back to be a man?”. I was pretty shocked when she said “you don’t”. “Sorry but i can only change a person one time, exept me of course. Plus, you weren’t man enough to satisfy me, it suit you more to be a woman now. Don’t look sad, with a body like yours, you will find a cute guy really quick and fuck you like i did, you seem to really enjoy it” She said before saying goodbye and good luck and leave. Leaving me alone on the bed, trying to compose on the fact that my life as a guy was over and wondering if i could live as a woman now.

Oh Really?

“Listen honey, I have something I want to talk to you about.” Billy said to his loving wife Maria.
“Of course lover, anything.” She replied.
“I have something I’ve been hiding from you.” He confessed.
“Oh really?” She asked, feigning concern. “Go on.”
“Yeah. I haven’t been fully satisfied in bed.” He said. “It’s not that I don’t love you, I do. Nor that I’ve been cheating. I’d never. But I have a… quirk that needs addressing.”
“Quirk? Whatever do you mean?” She asked, giddily awaiting his confession to the fetish she knows he has.
“A fetish.” He said.
“Like feet or leather?” She asked, now just toying with him even though she knew full well from his browser history what it was.
“No… not really that weird, it’s just kinda…”
“Out with it!” She demanded, her patience growing thin.
“I have a makeup fetish.” He said, blushing. “I love it when a woman wears a ton of slutty makeup. It gets me so hot. Sometimes I worry when I walk around the city and see girls all done up for acting gigs, or jobs, or clubs. I’m afraid I’ll get an obvious hard on.”
“Oh sweetie. That’s fine. See, I haven’t been totally honest with you either.”
“Oh really?” Billy asked, no expecting this.
“Yes. See I’m in a unique position to make this cosmetic fantasy of yours a reality.” She smiled, drawing him into a chair in front of her vanity which was lined with makeup. “Choose.” She said.
“Oh my gosh! Thank you so much Maria!” He said and kissed her on the cheek. She grinned a devilish grin as he chose the sluttiest makeup on her vanity, this was all by design. She planted it there for him to find. She knew him well. “Done!” He said. “I’ll just wait while you…”
“Sure thing doll.” She said, emphasis on the word ‘doll’ and she snapped as he fell into a deep sleep, as though a toy run out of batteries. He froze, head still held up suspended by magic. Stiff like a pose-able toy. She then went to work. She first coated his skin liberally with moisturizer. Not just his face either. She painted his whole body with the stuff, it removed all dead skin, muscle, wrinkles, and body hair. This began to slowly work its way into the skin and change his body for the more feminine. Slenderizing him but not doing much else. He sprouted a proud set of curves, but mostly looked like a very feminine boy’s body with hips, long legs, thin waist and just a hint of breasts. She then coated his face with concealer. With it his imperfections were erased, as well as his facial hair. She then spackled his face with foundation that gave his skin an even, painted tone. In a flight of fancy she poked a small beauty mark on his cheek which became real. She then brushed dark powder onto his eyebrows which thinned them as they were drawn into perfect arches. Next she applied copious amounts of eye shadow, first a primer which smoothed the skin. Then light eye shadow for the highlights, and then a vibrant, slutty aqua. This process made his eyes grow big and sexy. Nextly came blush which literally made his cheekbones pop out. Last she snapped and woke him.
“…Put it on.” He stopped. “I feel funny.” He glanced in the mirror and gasped. “I’m… I’m…”
“You’re gorgeous.” Maria said. “Albeit slightly vain for me to say to the man who will be me soon.”
“What?” Billy asked. “You? I… Oh…” He looked down. His prick was twitching and painfully harder than it had ever been. “Oh god, yes!” He moaned as his voice rose an octave and became hers. She snapped again as his body began to shift more. Small tits budding on his chest, black curls bursting from his head. His cock came, but began to shrink into a tight wet, drooling pussy. His ears became pierced and his nails grew long and manicured. Then small orbs of silicone grew under his new breasts stretching them into rounder, faker tits. Just like his wife.
“Are you ready for the last touch?” His wife asked in his voice. Billy opened his eyes to see Billy. His wife had become him. And he looked so hot. In his hand was a tube of lipstick. Bright pink and glossy. All he could do was moan and nod yes with his big doe eyes. As the naked man drew closer to him, his own erect cock close enough to his face he could smell it and feel it’s heat. His wife in his body leaned down and with several careful strokes painted the new woman’s lips which promptly expanded under their spell. Overcome with lust she thrust her whorish mouth over the cock and sucked. Lubricating it.
“Look up, I want to see that face while I fuck my tits.” His wife commanded. She did as she was told looking up.
“I love you. Thank you. I never want this to stop. He said with his wife’s mouth.
“Oh really.” She replied, planning.

A Shift in Shower, part 2 of 6 (german/deutsch)

17. Juni 2013
Am nächsten Morgen wachte Diana auf, Sperma in ihrer Hose und ging zur Schule.
Am nächsten Morgen wachte Sebastian auf, Sperma in seiner Hose und ging zur Schule.
Diana, in der Schule angekommen, wurde von einem Freund von Sebastian angesprochen. Er redete über Computer Zeug.
Sebastian, in der Schule angekommen, wurde von einer Freundin von Diana angesprochen. Sie redete über Sex Stellungen.
Diana wimmelte ihn ab.
Sebastian wimmelte sie ab.
Diana hatte einen Plan. Sie ging zu Yasmin, das Mädchen das ihr ihren Freund gestohlen hatte. Sie wusste das Yasmin in Sebastian verliebt war und machte ihr Avancen. Sie verabredeten sich für 18:00, um Spaß zu haben. Gleichzeitig stahl sie ihr Handy und schrieb ihrem Ex eine SMS in der stand, dass er um 18:40 in Yasmins Haus sein soll.
Sebastian hatte einen Plan. Er ging zu Amelia, das Mädchen in das er verliebt war. Er wusste das Amelia nicht ganz so gut mit Diana auskam, versuchte aber trotzdem freundlich mit ihr umzugehen. Sie verabredeten sich für 18:00 um Spaß zu haben.
Um 18:00 betrat Diana Yasmins Haus.
Um 18:00 betrat Sebastian Amelias Haus.
Um 18:05 begann Diana mit Yasmin fernzusehen.
Um 18:05 begann Sebastian mit Amelia Computer zu spielen.
Um 18:30 saß Yasmin auf Diana und küsste sie.
Um 18:30 unterhielten sich Amelia und Sebastian angeregt.
Um 18:40 betrat David, Dianas Ex-Freund Yasmins Haus.
Um 18:40 versuchte Sebastian Amelia Informationen über ihre Gefühle ihm gegenüber zu entlocken.
Um 18:42 schreiten sich David und Yasmin gegenseitig an. Diana stand im Hintergrund und lächelte.
Um 18:42 hatte Sebastian Amelia fast soweit etwas über ihre Gefühle ihm gegenüber zu sagen.
Um 18:46 machten Yasmin und Diana weiter mit Sex.
Um 18:46 klingelte es bei Amelia, kurz bevor sie etwas Wichtiges sagen konnte. Es ist David.
Um 18:53 lagen Diana und Yasmin, verschmiert mit Sperma und Schweiß auf dem Boden.
Um 18:53 nahm David Sebastian zu sich nach Hause, obwohl er nicht wollte.
Um 18:57 zog Diana sich an, fingerte Yasmin zu noch einem Orgasmus, sagte ihr, dass es ein schöner One-Night-Stand war und ließ sie erschüttert zurück.
Um 18:57 stieg Sebastian aus Davids Auto aus, schrie ihn an, dass er ihn nie wieder entführen soll und lief zu Amelias Haus zurück. Read more

It’s only fair

“Come on, Ben! I used to give you head all the time, it’s only fair you do it now!” Begged Lisa with her dick in hands. Read more

It’s only fair

“Come on, Ben! I used to give you head all the time, it’s only fair you do it now!” Begged Lisa with her dick in hands. Read more


After just a few hours in her new body, Sarah just couldn’t hold no longer. The moment she saw her old butt bent over like that, she just had to stick her new cock in it. Read more

The cosplay contest

My girlfirend is a witch, i love her but she can make things really weird sometime. Like this time we have to go to a geek convention. There was a cosplay contest and, when she discover that, her new obsession was she wanted to win. It was at the last minute so it was impossible to craft costume in this situation, but not if you are a witch. Her idea was to go as ou favorite overwatch character, that was easy for her because she liked tracer and she really looked like her. But for me, it was Dva, and seeing how she smiled at me, knowing that fact, i knew i wouldn’t love what will happen. She snapped her finger and, just like that, she was in a tracer costume, and me, well, in Dva’s, with the body matching the character. Of course i was upset and ask her to change me back, but as always in our relationship, she had the last word and i had to let go to do what she wanted. It was akward to saw all the man looking at me in this really revealing costume. I cannot wait for this contest to be finished to enjoy the convention as normal people. Read more