Tag Archives: Ass


When the Great Shift landed me in the body of my best friend’s wife, I freaked out. Luckily, Chris had not shifted, so he was able to comfort me, even as he was saddened to lose his wife. Read more


I hope you like it in the ass James… I mean Jasmin. My wife lets me fuck other women, but shes very jealous, so she only lets me fuck them in the ass or throat. Considering that the spell binds you to me and all, that’s all you’ll be getting for the rest of your life. It wont all be bad, we might make an exception on your birthday though. Wont that be fun?



Dream Body

“Really? You’re a genie?” I said to the woman who had stopped me on the sidewalk.
“Yes, well, a certain kind,” she said. “I don’t really grant wishes, but I do give gifts. I can grant you the gift of your dream body, if you only ask me for it.”
I raised an eyebrow at her, but decided to humor her, “Alright, fine: give me my dream body.” The woman snapped her fingers, and said, “There. Now run home: you’ll want to be in private for this.” Then she ran back down the alley she had come from. I tried to chase after her, but when I rounded the corner she was gone.
I shrugged it off, but something in the back of my mind made me want to listen to what she said. So I went straight home, and quickly.
As soon as I closed my front door behind me I started to notice changes. For some reason it started in my clothes. My shirt got much shorter and turned a dark blue color, the neckline forming a big u-neck. The fabric also felt softer. Next my pants got this weird white bubble pattern before fusing together. Suddenly I was wearing a skirt.
“What’s the deal with-” i started to say, but my voice sounded unfamiliar. “Has my voice always been this high?” I wondered aloud, listening closely. Aimlessly I scratched at my chest as I said random words, trying to figure out what was going on with my voice. My attention quickly changed to my chest though, as I felt much more squish than I was used to.
“What?!” I shouted in my higher voice, staring at the mounds growing beneath my shirt. “T-t-tits?! Why do I have ti-AH!” A sharp pain came to my groin and my hands shot down. But they weren’t met with the mass of my usual package, instead I felt…
Nothing. There was nothing between my legs now. I lifted the skirt and tried to see over my still growing breasts, but it was difficult. “I have to get a better look at this,” I said before going to the laundry room to look into the mirror. I didn’t even notice the swaying of my hips as I walked.
When I got there it was a bit of a shock. “I’m a woman!” I said. “A real woman! With tits and-” I lifted my skirt. “A vagina and I’m wearing a skirt and my voice is high and my face is…kinda cute.” I smirked, looking at my new face. Suddenly I wondered what else my skirt was hiding. I spun around giddily and lifted it. “Holy shit! That’s gotta be the biggest ass I’ve ever seen!” It was huge and sexy, and somehow made me even happier. I smiled at myself in the mirror, looking over my shoulder as I gave my booty a playful slap.
“I guess that genie really did give me my dream body, even if I didn’t know it.” Read more


“Wow, es hat funktioniert, ich bin wieder jung. Die Maschine hat funktioniert.” Merle war 40 und hatte Probleme mit dem älter werden. Durch Zufall hörte sie von einer Maschine, die ihr die Jungend wieder geben konnte. Allerdings brauchte sie dafür jemand der mit ihr genetisch verwandt war und wesentlich jünger war als sie. Da kam sie auf ihren Sohn Dominik (18). Sie wusste, dass Dominik insgeheim davon träumte, eine Frau zu sein. Sie konnte ihn übereden, mit ihr in die Maschine zu steigen. Sie würde Merle`s Körper mit Dominik`s verschmelzen. Dadurch sollte eine junge Version von Merle enstehen. Merle und ihr Sohn sollten sich dann den neuen Körper teilen. Die Vorstellung war zwar sehr Seltsam, doch beide waren neugierig und taten es. Beide waren sehr glücklich mit dem Ergebnis. Aus Merle und Dominik wurde Mandy. Am Anfang existierten noch zwei Persönlichkeiten in Mandy`s neuem, jungen Körper, doch mit der verschmolzen auch die Persönlichkeiten miteinander. Merle und Dominik waren Geschichte. Es gab nur noch Mandy…..

Show off (part 1)

I had just bought one of those bodysuits from Bodysuits inc. With the exception of my friend James, I hadn’t told anyone about my recent purchase. “Really?, I bought one too” he said. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t the only one. “Ok, ok, lets show each other our suits” I told him. Read more


Dominik arbeitete bei einer Baufirma. Als er eines Tages dabei helfen sollte, eine alte Fabrik in ein Haus mit Luxusapartments umbauen sollte, geschah es. Er kam mit einer unbekannten Chemikalie in berührung. Binnen Minuten verwandelte er sich in eine Frau. Seine Kollegen fanden in und riefen den Krankenwagen. Noch auf dem Weg zu Krankenhaus begannen sein Beine und sein Po auf eine gigantische Größe anzuschwellen. Die Ärzte wussten nicht, wie die Chemikalie Dominik`s Verwandlung ausgelost hat. Nur eins war sicher. Es veränderte das Geschlecht und sorgte für eine verstärkte Produktion von Fettzellen im Körper. Dominik musste sich mit seinem Schicksal abfinden. Zwei Wochen später war er wieder bei der Arbeit. Seine Kollegen versteckten oft seine Arbeitskleidung, so dass Dominik, der sich jetzt Dana nannte oft sehr freizügig gekleidet arbeiten musste. Seine Kollegen hatten Spaß an Dominik`s Arbeitsunfall……………

Non-Stop Live Porn 3

Dominik kam wieder zu sich. Er befand sich plötzlich draußen an einem Pool. Es war warm und roch nach Blumen. Er schaute sich um. Niemand war da. Nun blickte er an sich herunter. Read more

Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants (Part 1)

Andrea and her friends were sick of their younger brothers being general pains in the neck, so they devised a plan to get back at the boys. They found a spell book and curse that would be perfect for their payback, they were going to enchant some Yoga Pants and when their brothers touched them they’d be compelled to put them on and the magic would turn they boys into girls. Read more

New outlook on life

For the longest time I could never understand why I was different. I had barely any friends, and always stayed home and watched TV, I had no social life. But my sister always had something to do, she was either with her friends, watching a movie with her boyfriend, or experiencing life outside the house. Read more