Must hold out. Must not give in. Oooh, so seductive. Like butterfly wings across my skin. My soft woman’s skin. NO! Must Focus! I’m a Man! But did a man ever feel such tenderness. Such desire. Their fingers dance across my body. A body alien to me, yet one that’s becoming seductively familiar. A body that’s responding to the caresses in ways I’m unfamiliar with but am growing to love. They fondle my breasts and the tweaking of my nipples sends little jolts of pleasure to my crotch where a heat is building. OHHH, the heat! The caresses become more frantic. They encourage me to spread my legs. To let the heat escape. To welcome…NO! That’s what he wants! Look at him standing there all male and confident. He changed me into this week female and set his slave girls on me. Slaves who were once men like me or the man I used to be. Now I’m a woman like them. A woman who if she gives in, will be a slave to her desires, her lusts. Must Keep Legs Crossed! Look at him standing there all patient and confident. He knows I can’t hold out must longer. Hell, we both know it. Move over sisters. Give our Master room to take me so that I can be one of you.